雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年2月9日 · 鄰近大自然的南九州,與繁華的城市不同,很多精彩的景點都散落於不同地點,現在租車簡單快捷,如果一車在手,便能輕鬆自在穿越熊本、鹿兒島、宮崎三個縣,探索南九州的另一面! <b>一條龍爽快租車</b> 由於九州的景點都較分散,大多都要用上一小時有多的車程,選擇自駕遊就能縮短交通時間 ...

  2. 2016年2月22日 · 在這個充滿奇幻色彩的小村子裡,到現在每年都還是會有200部電視劇在這裡取景。來到這裡,就可以親身體驗到日本江戶時代的風土人情,還可以現場欣賞精彩的忍者秀表演。除此之外,還有應有盡有的變裝服飾可以讓你玩玩Cosplay!

  3. 開花時間無所謂,滿開時間才重要! 2024賞櫻花期全攻略懶人包+日本最佳賞櫻10大名所 2017賞櫻特輯・细数堪比幻境的東京5大夜櫻觀賞景點! 日本新潮自由行第2彈 — 豪華寢台列車「TRAIN SUITE 四季島」勢來襲

  4. 接下來是日本重點城市賞櫻名所TOP10的時間了,來,大家跟我一起倒數。排名第10位的榴岡公園種有四百棵櫻花樹,有枝垂櫻,吉野櫻,八重櫻等,其中枝垂櫻最有名氣。這裡也是仙台市的夜櫻名所,櫻花樹下家人野餐,朋友聚會,很是熱鬧。

  5. 2017年5月15日 · The opening ceremony of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was held on October 10, which in 1966 became a national public holiday known as Health and Sports Day. (In the year 2000, the date changed to the second Monday in October.) Many schools hold athletic events and sports meets on this day, dividing their students into color-coded teams of red and ...

  6. 2019年7月26日 · On top of it all, 5,000 metals will be crafted from recycled materials. Also on Wednesday night, Tokyo’s governor and officials of the Olympics unveiled a huge countdown clock, near Tokyo Station. Olympic fever is ramping up to full pitch as the games draw closer. NIPPON TV NEWS 24 JAPAN is the English news service of Nippon Television ...

  7. 2016年12月5日 · However, the small island of Shikoku was also the home of some incredible architecture. Jcastle takes us on a journey to discover the Top 16 castles of the island, with a bit of history behind each one. 16. Kasashima Castle (Marugame, Kagawa, ☆) Kasashima Castle was built as a naval fortress on the island of Honjima of the Shiwaku Islands.

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