雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年4月2日 · 從日式打油詩「川柳」看懂日本人的幽默與笑梗. 欒殿武. 日文 深度日本 日本文化. 大部分的人認為日本人做事認真,循規蹈矩,缺乏幽默感,就連幽默大師林語堂也曾在《生活的藝術》中提及「我相信日本人和德國人所以在現在和過去都遭受到政治上的痛苦 ...

  2. 2017年12月28日 · Japan is famous for gachapon and the wide variety of prizes they contain. One such toy is the "edge of cup" figurine that, as the name suggests, hangs onto the edge of your cup or glass. Of all the popular characters and poses out there, here are our Top 5 picks! 5. Fuchico on the Cup. Designed by manga artist Katsuki Tanaka, Fuchico on the Cup ...

  3. 2017年12月21日 · pixta.jp. The Hakone Sekisho (箱根関所), or Hakone Checkpoint, was the first major checkpoint on the Tokaido (東海道) highway connecting Edo (now Tokyo) with Kyoto. Constructed in 1619 and used until 1869, it was one of 53 such checkpoints used by the Tokugawa government to control travel between cities during the Edo Period (1603-1868).

  4. 2020年5月8日 · In order to help mitigate the economic fallout resulting from the pandemic, the Japanese government has announced that every resident in Japan will be eligible to claim the ¥100,000 relief, and that it will not be based on age, nationality, or income. If you are not a Japanese citizen, you must be a resident of Japan.

  5. 到了日本怎能不吃拉麵呢?在淺草的這家中華拉麵,最便宜的不到700日幣,就可以讓你享受到來自青森的魚乾當基底的清澈醬油拉麵。和一般濃厚系的拉麵不同,淺草寺周邊的這間拉麵店,其湯頭呈現金黃色且透明可見底,除了加入有大量的魚乾外,也加了些動物系的骨頭長時間熬煮,讓湯頭的完成 ...

  6. 日本本州以南的櫻花季差不多都進入尾聲,那麼四月底至五月初的黃金週檔,除了往東北、北海道賞櫻以外,哪裡還有花可以賞呢?雖說黃金週檔是日本人的休假,此時出遊必定人滿為患,但小編知道大家的假期得來不易,因此本篇文章介紹個黃金週檔的必訪賞花景點,美麗的花海讓大家 ...

  7. 簾外太平洋波濤堆雪,簾內溫泉清波宛若潮汐。. 金波樓 只有八個房間,故而恬然愜意。. 此處溫泉水並非人工開採,而是引自被大洗磯前神社奉為聖水的溫泉泉眼。. 大洗磯前神社建於公元856年,其正門鳥居立於礁石之上,每日清晨,迎初升之朝日,壯麗之景 ...

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