雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年12月21日 · The monk Mangan established a shrine at the present location on the shore of Lake Ashi in 757. He is then said to have subdued a nine-headed dragon (九頭龍・ kuzuryu) that lived in the bottom of the lake, after which he constructed Kuzuryu Shrine (九頭龍神社・Kuzuryu Jinja) as part of the greater shrine complex, now deifying the ...

  2. 近年來,日本夜行列車相繼停駛,「Sunrise瀨戶號」「Sunrise出雲號」是目前日本唯一仍有定期班次的夜行列車。其實搭乘夜行列車旅行,不論在時間上或金錢上都相當划算,值得作為您旅行西日本的交通選項之一!這篇文章將為您剖析Sunrise列車全攻略!

  3. 價格:1組3種口味約1,080日幣,亦有其他組合990~1,260日幣. 福岡機場必買調味料!. 牙膏式辣味明太子醬. 和上述的明太子鮪魚罐頭出自同一家製造商的條狀醬料「ツブチューブ(tubu tube)」,除了有著鮮豔可愛的包裝外,嚴選自福岡博多產的明太子,再加上柚子 ...

  4. 創業70年的「矢場とん」是日本全國知名的味噌豬排明星店。自製的味噌醬是使用1年半熟成的豆味噌每天現做的,所以吃得出味噌具有深度地香濃。豬肉只選用南九州產的優良豬,裹上特別混合的生麵包粉與乾燥麵包粉,再用完美調配地植物油及豬油,炸得恰到好處。

  5. 2021年11月12日 · Miwa's Japanese Cooking. Started in early 2020, "Miwa’s Japanese Cooking" already has close to 90,000 subscribers, proving that YouTube audiences can’t get enough of everyday Japanese food. Kamakura-born Miwa has lived in the US and UK and has worked as a salesperson and yoga instructor. She’s now the mother of two young boys and offers ...

  6. 2023年1月5日 · 怀石料理(照片来源:MichaelMaggs ). Omakase一般认为被认为是源于“怀石料理”。. 什么是怀石料理?. 怀石料理是日本的一种传统料理,“怀石”这两个字取自佛教的一个典故,传闻佛教的僧侣们在坐禅时,如果感到饥饿便会在肚子上放上一块暖石,以对抗饥饿 ...

  7. 2016年5月27日 · This polyglot is Kurt Kubli Genso, a Swiss native who came to Koyasan eighteen years ago and became a Buddhist priest. Highlighting Japan is an online magazine published once a month by the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan, aiming to help readers better understand Japan today. Coming to Koysan 18 years ago, Swiss national Kurt Kubli ...

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