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    • 1. a daughter

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  2. 女兒. Liz and Phil have a daughter and three sons. 莉茲和菲爾有一個女兒和三個兒子。 同義詞. girl. 比較. son. 也請參見. stepdaughter. 减少例句. They felt a glow of pride as they watched their daughter collect the award. My daughter is just starting to learn how to do joined-up writing at school. She shed a few tears at her daughter's wedding.

  3. 按問題格式分類的最新問題. @beer80365: my oldest girl... my oldest daughter... my youngest girl... my youngest daughter (i am guessing you mean rank/age, and not size)|when there is 3 kids, americans will say the 2nd kid is the middle child.|good luck with english, it is hard i know|大女兒:eldest daughter 小女兒:youngest daughter.

  4. a boy or girl from the time of birth until he or she is an adult, or a son or daughter of any age: an eight-year-old child 8岁的小孩. 查看更多. daughter uk / ˈdɔː.tər/ us / ˈdɑː.t̬ɚ/ A1 noun. your female child: Liz and Phil have a daughter and three sons. 莉兹和菲尔有1个女儿和3个儿子。 查看更多. girl uk / gɜːl/ us / gɝːl/ A1 noun. a daughter: We have two girls. 我们有两个女儿。

  5. 阿特拉斯的七个女儿. Pleiades uk / ˈplaɪ.ə.diːz/ us / ˈplaɪ.ə.diːz/ noun. in Greek mythology , seven sisters who were changed into a group of stars by Zeus: The Pleiades were the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. “普勒阿得斯”是阿特拉斯和普列奥尼奥所生的七个女儿。.

  6. 【女兒】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:daughter女兒產物后代; (某地的)婦女; [生]子代;。 漢英詞典提供【女兒】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  7. 例句與用法. What's worrying me is that girl of mine . 我這 女兒 實在叫我放心不下。. Marie looked at her daughter with consternation . 瑪麗驚愕地看著 女兒 。. Son and daughter are heteronymous . 兒子和 女兒 是名稱不同的一對關連詞。. My girls were nothing to her . 我的 女兒 們對她來說簡直是 ...

  8. Your daughter is your female child. She has three daughters. 美式英语: daughter / ˈdɔtər / 阿拉伯语: اِبْنَة. 巴西葡萄牙语: filha. 简体中文: 女儿. 克罗地亚语: kći. 捷克语: dcera. 丹麦语: datter. 荷兰语: dochter. 欧洲西班牙语: hija. 芬兰语: tytär. 法语: fille filiation. 德语: Tochter. 希腊语: κόρη. 意大利语: figlia. 日语: 娘. 韩语: 딸. 挪威语: datter. 波兰语: córka. 欧洲葡萄牙语: filha. 罗马尼亚语: fiică. 俄语: дочь.

  9. English Translation of “女兒” | The official Collins Chinese-Traditional Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of Chinese words and phrases.

  10. 女兒. "daughter" 例句. My daughter wants to be an artist. My daughter dressed up as an angel for Halloween. 我女兒在萬聖節那天打扮成天使。 We have a daughter. 我們有一個女兒。 My daughter helps me with housework. 我女兒會幫我做家事。 You and your daughter really look alike. 你和你女兒長得真的很像。 My daughter is a little shy. 我女兒有一點害羞。 "daughter" 相關課程教材. We have a daughter. 我們有個女兒。 瀏覽教材.

  11. n. 女兒 【單字音標】 國際音標:[ 'dɔːtə(r) ] KK音標:[ 'dɔtɚ ] 【字形變化】 名詞複數:daughters 【中文解釋】 n. 名詞 女兒 He has two daughters. 他有兩個女兒。 ← dauby ⤒ daughterly → daube n. 紅酒燉肉 dauber n. 塗抹者, 塗牆工, 塗抹工具, 拙劣的畫匠

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