雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年8月21日 · Our programmes. Banking internships. Are you ready to experience the world of banking? Are you looking for an immersive internship experience, that will give you first-hand experience of what it’s like to work in a global organisation? If so, check out our internships in Hong Kong.

  2. 2024年8月22日 · If you’re looking for a career with purpose and want to work for a bank making a difference, we’d love to hear from you. If you're interested in responsible banking, global trade, and more, check out our early career programmes to start your career in finance.

  3. 2024年8月22日 · Explore our early careers programmes in your market to learn more about our graduate programmes, summer internships and apprenticeship opportunities. Our early careers programmes for students are curated to provide students and graduates with the tools they need to launch their careers in the banking industry.

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  4. Are you ready to start your summer internship programme? If you’re looking for hands-on banking internships for undergraduates, that provide an immersive experience of what it’s like to work in a global organisation, look no further. Find out more about our internship opportunities below! What you’ll experience.

  5. 2024年9月3日 · 義工服務有薪假期計劃. 渣打銀行除不斷提供機會予僱員參與義務工作,更每年為僱員提供三日額外有薪假期,鼓勵僱員更踴躍參與義務工作。 其他連結. 相關新聞稿. 渣打集團可持續發展計劃. SCB.ChatBot.

  6. 5 天前 · Standard Chartered Arts in the Park is an annual youth education programme through arts that takes place over six months and culminates in a two-day carnival in November. Each year, over 3,500 young people from 200 schools and youth organisations participate in the event.

  7. 2020年8月14日 · 渣打香港馬拉松「企業挑戰盃」是一項為企業而設的年度活動,旨在鼓勵中小企、商會、及其他商貿組織等,提名其員工及會員參加,透過渣打馬拉松,與業內其他機構競逐「企業挑戰盃」。 其他活動. 中小企業理財更會與其他商會及機構 緊密 合作,為客戶帶來更多商機。 業界大獎. 一直以來,全賴尊貴客戶的支持和信任,讓我們榮獲多項大獎,是業界對我們的服務認可與肯定。 當中的獎項包括: 《信報財經新聞》頌發「 卓越大獎系列-中小企卓越營商夥伴2018 」 《彭博商業周刊》頌發「金融機構大獎2018 – 表現類獎項 – 卓越大獎 (年度銀行)」 《彭博商業周刊》頒發「金融機構大獎2018 – 服務類獎項 – 卓越大獎 (零售銀行)」 《經濟一週》頒發「傑出電子商務大獎2017 」

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