雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Private medical insurance that you can purchase after entering Japan provides sufficient coverage during your stay, even for COVID-19. Coverage of up to 10 million yen that even covers expensive treatment. Includes interpretation services as well as medical institution referral and arrangement services. Coverage for COVID-19.

  2. 医療機関向けに提供されているマニュアル等資料一覧. 外国人向け多言語説明資料 一覧(厚生労働省). 病院のための外国人患者の受入参考書(経済産業省). ※当資料は健診・検診や治療を目的として訪日する外国人患者を受け入れる為に作成されたもの ...

  3. 入境日本後也可投保的民間醫療保險,投保範圍涵括COVID-19,讓您在日本居留期間可獲得充分的補償。. 即便是高額的治療費也提供支援的1,000萬日圓的治療費補償. 附贈「口譯服務」「醫療機構介紹和安排服務」. COVID-19也在對象之列. 醫療費免付現金服務*應對 ...

  4. JAPAN:the Official Guide. 为了您的安心之旅,. 我们强烈建议您购买一份. 保障充足的商业医疗保险*。. 在您出行前或抵达日本后都可以加入商业医疗保险*。. 让我们为旅途中可能会发生的意外受伤或疾病做好准备吧。. *包含赔偿停留期间医疗费用的旅行保险。.

  5. 6 If you need an ambulance, show the sentence below to a nearby Japanese person so they will call one for you. Ambulance Call 119 (Please call an ambulance.) How to use an emergency care hospital Personal information concerning medical care to write down

  6. Created Date 2/1/2020 11:57:05 AM

  7. With respect to availability of transportation, please note that schedules may be subject to change in the event of an emergency such as a disaster. Please refer to the information provided by the relevant business operators. In the event of an emergency such as a disaster, please check the website of the embassy of your country in Japan. The ...