雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年3月2日 · Here are 12 amazing photogenic spots you can visit on a day-trip from Tokyo! 12. Amazing emerald green at Yushin Ravines. http://guide.travel.co.jp/photo/17399/5/ The Yushin Ravines is located in Kanagawa prefecture and is another place great for a hiking trip that can be visited in a day trip from Tokyo.

  2. 2018年7月27日 · This collection of photos, which is in the possession of the New York Public Library and part of its digital collection, consists of images captured between roughly 1880 and 1890. With Japan’s policy of enforced isolation from other nations not being fully renounced until 1868, Kimbei’s work represents one of the last glimpses of Japanese society before its rapid modernization.

  3. 2019年11月8日 · 深度旅遊. 生活. エミリー 2019年11月8日 更新. 深度日本 在日生活 手作市集 在地旅行 京都 關西地區. 攤開京都街道圖,從仿造長安城的棋盤設計中就可以看出「設計」這門藝術在這古都之中根深蒂固,從石板小徑、木造鍵屋,甚至到商店招牌都立法管理,難怪 ...

  4. 守禮門是首里城的正門。現在沖繩縣還在使用的2,000日元紙鈔上所印的就是守禮門,匾額上書“守禮之邦”。守禮門是1592年由尚清所建,在沖繩戰中被燒失,後與1958年最早被復原,成為沖繩觀光的必去景點之一。

  5. For Kylie Giggins, Japan is an amazingly diverse and unique country, well-known for its natural beauty, as well as its vibrant city life and country living. In this video, she shares the beautiful photos she took here, from food to people to landscapes.

  6. 2017年9月19日 · But now, a team of Japanese researchers at Waseda University, led by Dr. Ishikawa, has utilized artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning to create a program that automatically colorizes photographs. The task was accomplished through the deep learning and color matching of 2.3 million color photographs.

  7. 2016年8月3日 · Tokyo is always a fascinating place to visit at any time of the day, but at night the city truly comes to life, with color, noise, and walls of neon lights and LED screens. Brussels-based photographer Xavier Portela recently captured the spirit of the vibrant metropolis