雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The EAA conducted a Facebook live public seminar about the practical tips for purchasing properties situated outside Hong Kong on 20 March 2021. Three guest speakers shared their insights and their knowledge at the seminar which recorded over 47,000 views.

  2. The EAA conducted a Facebook live public seminar on the important points-to-note when purchasing properties situated outside Hong Kong on 12 March 2022. Three guest speakers shared their valuable insights and knowledge at the seminar which recorded over 50,000 views.

  3. 監管局舉辦一個名為「租 樓宜忌‧專家教路」 Facebook直播講座,三位 嘉賓講者除了分享其觀點之 外,並解答網上觀眾提出的 問題。 講座的錄影可於監管局的網站以及 YouTube頻道重溫。 The EAA held a Facebook live seminar on the dos and don’ts about the tenancy of residential properties. Three guest speakers shared their insights with the online audience and answered their questions.

  4. 簡介會出席者確認上述簡介會內容已包括通告編號13-04(CR) 、通告編號15-03(CR) 和通告編號18-03(CR) 的指引,並明白須遵守有關指引。. 簡介會出席者姓名簡介會出席者姓名簡介會出席者姓名簡介會出席者姓名. 牌照號碼牌照號碼牌照號碼牌照號碼所屬辦事處所屬 ...

  5. 公眾現可隨時登入Facebook重溫講座的錄影。 是次講座由新城財經台新聞部總監林潔瑩女士擔任主持,嘉賓講者包括城市大學特約教授曾淵滄博士、安睿順德倫律師事務所法律顧問張宗傳律師,以及監管局執行總監陳汝儆律師。 在長約一小時的講座中,各位講者分享了其觀點,並解答網上觀眾在意見欄提出的問題。 其中,曾博士分享了他對環球經濟及香港物業投資市場前景的看法,張律師則講及有關簽立租約時應留意的重點細節,而陳律師則透過一些個案分享解釋地產代理的職責。 講座的足本. 錄影可於. Facebook.

  6. 監管局於 2020 年 9 月 26 日舉辦一個名為「租樓宜忌 ‧ 專家教路」的 Facebook 直播講座,由新城財經台新聞部總監林潔瑩女士擔任主持,嘉賓講者則包括城市大學特約教授曾淵滄博士、安睿順德倫律師事務所法律顧問張宗傳律師,以及監管局執行總監陳汝儆

  7. 監管局是次講座於媒體合作夥伴香港經濟日報的Facebook平台上共吸引超過40,000次瀏覽。 講座的精華片段已上載至監管局網頁及YouTube頻道。 A public seminar titled “Purchasing Non-local Properties Be SMART” was held by the EAA on 28 March 2020. It was the first time for the EAA to organise a public seminar through online live streaming under the pandemic of COVID-19.