雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 中銀香港一直致力於打造全方位數字化銀行,大力發展科技金融,向全場景智能數字化邁進,以提升客戶體驗和銀行運營效率。. 人工智能 (AI)技術迭代發展和應用正迅速改變企業營運模式,銀行業亦無例外。. 本屆比賽分成學生組和初創組,以人工智能 (AI ...

  2. OVERVIEW. The "BOCHK Challenge" has been held for 8 consecutive years. It continuously provides a platform for students from higher education institutions and startups to showcase their talents on technology and ignite innovative ideas. Our goal is to sow the seeds of hope for technological innovation ventures.

  3. 中銀香港創新先驅大賽2023. 圓滿成功. 「中銀香港創新先驅大賽2023」已經圓滿結束,比賽競爭非常熱烈。. 10隊成功入圍決賽隊伍角逐9個獎項,合共港幣55萬元獎金。. 「中銀香港創新先驅大賽2023」評審團隊及嘉賓為賽事提供寶貴意見及協助,並與各隊伍在 ...

  4. 2021-22. Successfully Completed. BOCHK Challenge 2021-22 has come to its successful conclusion and the response was overwhelming. 12 groups of finalists competed for 7 awards and the winning teams were awarded HK$ 590,000 prizes in total. The judge panel provides valuable advice and assistance to BOCHK Challenge 2021-22.

  5. 雄厚背景. 儘管面對2008年金融風暴的挑戰中銀香港依然保持雄厚的財務實力核心業務不斷穩定增長2011年中銀香港的長期信貸評級獲標準普爾提升兩級由A-提升至A+級別足以證明中銀香港的強大根基獲得的同業及市場的認同。 中銀香港的控股公司中銀香港 (控股)自2002年在香港聯合交易所主板上市,我們以穩健的財務實力、堅實的基礎和雄厚的資產,為客戶實踐專業、誠信和精益求精的服務承諾。 我們與客戶緊密合作,攜手為您裁量貼心專屬的財富管理服務,助您成就豐盛的未來。

  6. 圓滿成功. 「中銀香港創新先驅大賽2021-22」已經圓滿結束,比賽競爭非常熱烈。. 12隊成功入圍決賽隊伍角逐7個獎項,合共港幣59萬元獎金。. 「中銀香港創新先驅大賽2021-22」評審團隊及嘉賓為賽事提供寶貴意見及協助,並與各隊伍在閉幕儀式上合照 ...

  7. 2020-21. SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED. BOCHK Challenge 2020-21 has come to its successful conclusion and the response was overwhelming. 12 groups of finalists competed for 7 awards and the winning teams were awarded HK$ 275,000 prizes in total. The judge panel provides valuable advice and assistance to BOCHK Challenge 2020-21.

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