雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 請填妥本申請書及簽署後連同有關單據正本,病理學、內規鏡、診斷性化驗/檢驗報告、手術室撮要副本一併遞交。. Please complete and sign this claim form and make sure the original copies of invoices & receipts and copies of histopathology, endoscopic, diagnostic/laboratory tests report, operating theatre ...

  2. 手術名稱. If you have consulted other doctor during this hospitalization, please provide the following Consulted Doctor’s Name: Reason : 醫生姓名轉介原因. 於住院期間,如曾將病者轉介往其他醫生,請提供下列有關資料: What treatment had the doctor performed. 治療名稱.

  3. If you have consulted other doctor during this hospitalization, please provide the following . 於住院期間,如曾將病者轉介往其他醫生,請提供下列有關資料: Consulted Doctor’s Name: . 醫生姓名. Reason : 轉介原因. What treatment had the doctor performed. 治療名稱.

  4. 承保 Period of Insurance: 由 From 至To (日D /月M / 年Y) (首尾兩日包括在內及保單每年自動保的保險。由中銀集團保險有限公司收到並接納投保書開始計7 個工作天後起保 Both dates inclusive and upon each

  5. 明白此投保申請一經批核,在每個保單年度期滿前,若未有接獲中銀集團保險有關修改任何條款的續保通知,本人只須繳交下個保單年度所須的保費及保费徵费,此保單便會每年自動續保。

  6. 為避免任何法律後果,保單持有人需於繳交保費時向保險公司繳付該筆保費的訂明徵費,並由保險公司將該已繳付的徵費轉付予保監局。 徵費金額會因應徵費率調整而有所變更。 有關詳情,請瀏覽保監局的網頁www.ia.org.hk。 繳付保費方法及授權書.

  7. 4 P/AD-EDT-2020-V01 收集個人資料聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement 本人明白本人提供的資料為中銀集團保險提供保險業務所需,並可能使用於下列目的: I understand that the information provided by ...

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