雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年12月16日 · 【自訂車牌號碼】費用、步驟及申請教學. 全港最貴的車牌號碼組合. 根據 運輸署 的資料,暫時全港最貴的車牌組合為 2021 年新春車牌拍賣會上的無字頭「W」車牌,最終以 2,600 萬由一名男子投得,成交價高出底價 $5,000 足足 5,199 倍。 而排在第二位的則是 2016 年拍賣的「28」號車牌。 第三位的「18」號車牌則是於 2008 年由被喻為「赤柱股神」 的張程光投得。 1 - 10 號車牌誰屬? 簡介自訂車牌號碼規定. 根據運輸署規定,自訂車輛登記號碼須: (1)由不超過8個英文字母、數字及/或空位組成. (2)符合基本組合規定. 你可以在 自訂車輛登記號碼 網上服務輸入你想要的車牌號碼,看看是否符合規定。 如果申請成功,就可以繳交 $5,000 按金出席拍賣會。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  2. 2024年3月21日 · 於網上成功遞交申請表格及所需文件後,需列印申請表格並在丁部聲明書簽署或列印已使用「 智方便 」作數碼簽署的申請表格,然後交予就讀的培訓機構蓋印證明申請人已成功修畢有關課程。 申請人須於遞交網上申請表格起計一個月內,把已簽署及蓋印的申請表格正本遞交至 在職家庭及學生資助事務處 。 紙本申請. 可向各區民政諮詢中心或從網上下載 SFO 313(2022) 表格。 把已填妥表格及所需文件郵寄或親身遞交至 在職家庭及學生資助事務處 。 持續進修基金學車|付款及退款程序. *以香港駕駛學院私家車駕駛證書課程為例. 報名當日: 繳付第一期學費(HK$1,588),應考運輸署駕駛考試租車費(HK$2,200)及運輸署駕駛考試表格費用(HK$510),合共 HK$4,289.

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • What Is Hketoll Anyway?
    • What Is A Toll tag?
    • How Do I Get My Free Vehicle tag?
    • If I Am Using Autotoll, Do I Need to Switch to Hketoll?
    • What Is A Class tag?
    • What Happens If I Apply For Neither The Vehicle Tag Nor The Class tag?
    • How Do I Install A Vehicle tag?
    • Schedule For The Implementation of E-Toll in Tunnels
    • Want to Know More?

    HKeToll is a free-flow tolling service based on the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. Drivers only need to affix a label sticker (toll tag) on the inside of the windscreen. When the vehicle passes through a tolled tunnel of the government or the Tsing Sha Control Area, the system will automatically deduct the toll from an account de...

    “Toll tags” are of two types, and the first type is the “vehicle tag”. Vehicle owners must register an account and designate a payment method, such as a bank or credit card account, after which the tag will be mailed to the registered home address. The first vehicle tag will be free. The other type is the "class tag". Vehicle owners will need to pu...

    The first vehicle tag for every licensed vehicle will be provided free of charge by the TD. If a replacement tag is needed, a fee of HKD $51 will be charged for each subsequent tag. All 260,000 vehicle owners whose vehicles are already registered will soon receive their vehicle tags. Meanwhile, owners of vehicles yet to be registered can now apply ...

    The HKeToll service will be gradually rolled out at government tolled tunnels. Upon the implementation of HKeToll at a tolled tunnel, all manual toll booths and Autotoll traffic lanes will be decommissioned. From that time on, all vehicles will use HKeToll service for toll payment. Autotoll and HKeToll will not be in service at the same time at a t...

    In addition to vehicle tags, the TD has also launched 9 other "class tags" for owners of different types of vehicles to choose from. Each class tag costs from HKD $100 to $200. Each class tag comes with an account card*. Drivers can activate the class tag, add value, and check transaction records with this card. *This account card should be safely ...

    If you drive through a toll tunnel with neither tag (or if the automatic tolling fails...this could happen very occasionally), the automatic licence plate recognition technology of the HKeToll system will be able to detect as your vehicle passes through the toll tunnel, and transmit the relevant data to HKeToll’s backend system. Afterwards, the tol...

    Vehicle tags are divided into the "inside" and "outside" types. The inside type is suitable for most vehicles, while the outside type is suitable for motorcycles and those vehicles having an entire windscreen with UV protection or a metallic coating. After receiving your vehicle tag, you should affix it to the windscreen following the instructions ...

    Phase One Tsing Sha Control Area (Tate's Cairn Tunnel, Sha Tin Heights Tunnel, Tai Wai Tunnel): February 2023, delayed to May 7th, Implemented Lion Rock Tunnel: May 28th, 2023, Implemented Eagle's...
    Phase Two Aberdeen Tunnel: Expected to be implemented within this year Cross-Harbour Tunnel: July 23rd, 2023, Implemented Eastern Harbour Crossing: Expected to be implemented on 27th August 2023 Ta...
    Phase Three Western Harbour Crossing: Expected to be implemented on 6th August 2023 Tuen Mun Tunnel*: Expected to be implemented within this year *The non-stop toll payment servicewill be implement...

    The toll service provider engaged by the TD has set up a customer service hotline at 3853 7333 to answer public enquiries from 9am to 9pm daily. A total of eight customer service centres and service outlets across Hong Kong will also commence operation from January 7. Source: Transport Department

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  3. 2021年9月10日 · What is the Free Flow Tolling System? The Free Flow Tolling System or the FFTS detects through the RFID vehicle-specific toll tag sticker on your windshield when you're in a government toll tunnel or the Tsing Sha Control Area. As you pass through a toll point, you're no longer required to stop and pay fees.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  4. 2024年4月5日 · 作者: Kwiksure 團隊 分享: 當購買 二手車 時,因為買家需要時間投保 汽車保險 或請第三方為 汽車檢查 等事項,一般來說不會即時進行交易。 為保障買賣雙方的權利,雙方會簽訂汽車買賣合約,並會以合約上所列事項作為將來交車時的依據。 而汽車買賣合約需要填寫甚麼資料? 在簽署時有何注意事項? 今次快而保便為大家分享有關汽車買賣合約的要點,更附上汽車買賣合約範本供大家下載。 延伸閱讀: 【二手車及續牌驗車】私家車驗車價錢、網上預約流程及驗車中心名單 2024. 【車輛過戶】二手車買賣流程及注意事項 2024. 【公屋名車】名牌車一定貴? 5大因素影響車輛估價! 汽車買賣合約係乜嘢? 汽車買賣合約是 二手車交易 時的重要文件,用意是保障買賣雙方。

  5. 2023年1月11日 · 申請車輛貼方法. 1. 電子申請. 使用 「易通行」網站 或流動應用程式,事前先要預備. 車輛登記文件 (俗稱牌簿) 登記車主的姓名及電子聯絡方式. 可接受短訊的手機或電郵地址. 由其他人代辦需要登記車主的授權信. 經網站申請車輛貼,步驟如下: 1. 按此進入易通行網站 ,把「條款及細則」拉到最下方。 2. 剔選「我確認我已閱讀、理解並同意條款及細則及個人資料收集聲明」。 3. 輸入驗證數字,再按下一步。 4. 輸入車牌號碼,再按下一步。 5.

  6. 2023年12月28日 · 帶同申請表及近三個月住址證明,到香港牌照事務處或九龍牌照事務處辦理手續,並繳交駕駛考試申請及學牌申請費用($510+$548) 獲發筆試排期信,按信上日期應考。 筆試內容為 20 條選擇題,需答對 16 條或以上方為及格. 筆試合格後,可即時辦理路試排期信. 選擇駕駛學院或私人師傅學車,根據運輸署建議最少有 30 小時路面實習. 根據路試排期信上所列日期應考路試,分為: 乙部︰主要考斜坡開車、停車,泊位及窄路掉頭. 丙部︰根據運輸署所訂的考試路線進行路試. 7. 合格後,獲發暫准駕駛執照(P 牌) 駕駛學院好定私人師傅好? 私人師傅優點/缺點. 運輸署建議學神們要上最少30小時的駕駛訓練,坊間學車大多為45分鐘一堂,即是至少要有40堂才合符運輸署的建議。

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