雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. EF擁有屬於自己直營的 新加坡語言學校 ,交通便利、擁有現代化設計,2分鐘步行就可以到達附近商店、咖啡店。 學校設備齊全,擁有教室、乒乓球室、Xbox娛樂區、休息區、自習室、寬敞的天臺等。 EF新加坡遊學課程專注英語教育的科學化,配備獨家研發的英語學習材料和優秀的教師,寓學於樂。 EF會根據學生的年齡及英文程度作分班、小班授課,利用多媒體輔助進行個性化課程設計。 通過課堂討論、角色扮演、演講等互動的遊學課程,學生的英文能力自然大大提升。 在新加坡遊學期間,學生主要住在市區舒適的學生宿舍中,體驗寄宿學生生活,統一管理、交通便利。 EF更組織各類遊學活動,注重探索文化和當地體驗,讓遊學更加豐富多彩。

  2. 環境對學習的重要性. 作者 Ivan. in 語言學習 · 1 分鐘閱讀. 分享. 很多人認為英文易學難精,對於很多本地同學來説,與外國人溝通比考DSE英文科試難一百倍。. 這是因爲平時生活環境裏根本不需要運用英語,DSE對英語能力評測也只限於「能寫就行」。. 相反 ...

    • How Can I Choose The Right Exam?
    • What Is The Exam?
    • Who Issued These exams?
    • When Is The Exam? Where Is The Exam?
    • How Much Is The Registration fee?
    • How Should I prepare?
    • Before You Decide …

    The biggest difference between these three exams is the certificate expiration date. English Cambridge English test is no deadline, however, IELTS and TOEFL test only lasts two years. Also, when you take the English test in Cambridge, England, you may not be able to obtain a certificate and you will not be able to obtain a certificate. However, if ...

    For the TOEFL test, most people choose the TOEFL iBT. This test should be answered on the computer and will take three to four and a half hours (including a 10-minute break). There are spoken, listening, writing and reading test items. The total score is 120 points, each part of 30 points. Certificate above the score will be 0 to 120 minutes, valid...

    TOEFL is issued by the ETS (Education Testing Service), a non-profit organization in the United States, which is run by the British Council, IDP International Development Program Education and Cambridge English Language Test Assessment jointly organized. The certificate is issued by the University of Cambridge.

    Basically, you can sign up for these three exams around the world. You can find the nearest examination room online and apply online. TOEFL and IELTS play every week, but Cambridge English test only a few times a year only. But remember, if you have an EF enrollment preparation course, do not worry, we’ll help you out.

    The TOEFL test registration fee is approximately US $ 205 (HK $ 1,590) and the IELTS test registration fee is approximately HK $ 1,930). The Cambridge English Test is approximately HK $ 570 to HK $ 2,070 depending on the degree. The cost of these exams varies according to the country.

    Exam preparation is the key. Do not underestimate the difficulty of the exam and cram. You can study on your own or use an online learning course, but applying for an overseas language course is a good way to go if you want to grow by leaps and bounds and get high marks. Language schools like EF have language courses that provide exclusive exam pre...

    First understand their English strength, whether it is using simulation test or we provide you with free English test EFSET. Before enrolling, try EFSET PLUS version, this version of the EFSET English proficiency test will give you a more complete and accurate decision reference.

  3. 地址. 觀塘成業街7號寧晉中心33樓F至G室. 開放時間. 星期一至五:中午12時至晚上9時. 星期六:中午12時至晚上8時. 星期日及公眾假期:休息. 交通. 觀塘港鐵站B1出口. 學校註冊編號. 587680. 預約免費英語評估. EF English Centers 的英語培訓中心環境舒適, 地點便利, 分佈港九新界包括旺角、銅鑼灣、觀塘、葵芳、上水和元朗。

  4. 作者 Florence. in 語言學習 · 1 分鐘閱讀. 香港. 分享. 網路數位時代的生活有很多好處,尤其是在(比如貓咪影片等)語言學習方面。. 過去不得不翻閱一本厚重的書,裡面充滿了繁複的英語文法,但這樣子的日子已經過去了。. 取而代之的是,您現在只需按一下 ...

  5. 通常來說,寄宿家庭都發現,當他們和學生更常聊天時,更能幫助他們建立外語自信心,也能更快加入家庭內的對話。. 只要記住,用各種不需要翻譯的方式來歡迎他們:微笑、明確指出他們的房間和浴廁、給他們看你們的招待手冊與照片等等。. 如果你們有某些 ...

  6. 英語理解能力高,能流暢進行對話,對英語文法認識深厚。. 在引導下可以理解較為複雜的對話,閱讀有關當代問題的文章和報告,能和英語母語者進行流暢和自發性的常規交流,就較為廣泛的主題寫出清晰的文字。.

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