雅虎香港 搜尋


    • Edith Chan
    • 生髮精華推薦2024:invati advanced™ 頭皮激活精華 (HK$775/150ml Aveda)Aveda生髮精華採用Ayurveda草本植物成分,有效激活毛囊,配合精華中的有機印度聖果油柑子amla,有增厚頭髮效果,更可以緩解頭髮折斷引致的掉髮問題。
    • 生髮精華推薦2024:防脫髮精華 (HK$395/150ml Apivita)Apivita防脫髮精華採用99%天然成分,可以調節頭皮中油脂分泌,以羽扇豆和小麥蛋白質、茶樹、維他命B3等多種成分,令髮質變得強韌,乾髮或濕髮都適合使用,每天噴在髮根位置,再輕輕按摩有助改善脫髮問題。
    • 生髮精華推薦2024:黑豆防脫髮精華液 (HK$135/150ml Dr.SEED)黑豆防脫髮精華液含有黑豆和五種維他命成分,透過蛋白和髮根複合物進行深層護理,調節頭皮狀態,令頭髮生長更好,而且精華中的薄荷醇等成分,有助緩解脫髮問題。
    • 生髮精華推薦2024:皇牌防脫生髮精華 (HK$399/60ml Grow Gorgeous)英國護髮品牌Grow Gorgeous的經典防脫髮精華以咖啡因、透明質酸、有機碗豆豆芽萃取物及大豆等純素成分,刺激髮根位置,令髮根恢復活力,從而促進頭髮生長。
  1. 生髮精華不僅解決掉髮問題還全面促進頭髮健康本文將深入研究生物精華的功效並向您推薦10款生髮精華

    • 改變你的洗頭習慣。要有效生髮,最直接方法是改變你的洗頭習慣。如果你的頭髮不是很油,其實不用每天洗髮(特別是頭皮乾旱人士),反而隔一天洗頭更能滋潤髮絲; 在洗頭時,避免將洗頭水直接塗抹於頭皮上,應該先在掌心起泡,再從髮尾位置開始,慢慢向頭皮方向輕力按摩,這樣做有助促進血液循環,加快頭髮生長。
    • 定期修剪頭髮。以為在留長髮期間就不應該經常修剪頭髮?其實不然。建議每10至12個星期修剪一次頭髮,雖然這樣做並不能明顯地加快頭髮生長,但卻可以剪走受損髮尾,減少髮絲開叉問題,使頭髮維持於一個健康狀態,也會影響頭髮生長速度。
    • 攝取充足蛋白質才是女士生髮關鍵。為了生髮,仿間也有不少生髮偏方,例如用生薑洗髮,傳聞是有助刺激頭皮血液循環,從而加速頭髮生長。但事實上,生薑含有的姜酚只有消炎作用,對生髮沒有太大影響;而且將生薑直接用於頭皮是非常刺激的,更可能引致敏感發炎、損害毛囊。
    • 頭髮護理療程。桂圓美HASPERO:智能微頻生髮護理。桂圓美HASPERO作為髮再生的姐妹品牌,擁有二十年育髮護髮經驗,專業護髮育髮理論,結合自家研發的各款儀器,提供防脫、生髮及護髮服務,處理不同的頭髮健康問題。
  2. 要有效生髮,最直接方法是改變你的洗頭習慣。 如果你的頭髮不是很油,其實不用每天洗(特別是頭皮乾旱人士),反而隔一天洗頭更能滋潤絲; 在洗頭時,避免將洗頭直接塗抹於頭皮上,應該先在掌心起泡,再從尾位置開始,慢慢向頭皮方向輕力按摩,這樣做有助促進血液循環,加快頭髮生長。 完成洗護步驟後,可以用冷水沖洗頭髮3至5秒,因為冷水能有效收縮毛囊、並刺激頭皮血液循環,有助減少脫髮。 Cosmopolitan.com.hk. 頭髮生長速度太慢? 先了解頭髮生長週期. 每個人的頭髮生長速度都不相同,這取決於日常攝取的營養素和護習慣,而頭髮生長亦有一個週期,分有生長期、退化期和休息期,而每根頭髮的平均壽命為兩年到四年,之後就會自然脫落,並在同一位置長出新的頭髮。

    • Brush Before Shampooing
    • Shampoo Twice
    • Choose Silicone-Free Shampoos, Conditioners, Hair Masks, and Hair Care Products
    • Do Not Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair
    • Use A Hair Growth, Anti-Hair Loss Treatment
    • Always Blow Dry Your Hair After Washing
    • Heat Protect Your Hair
    • Take A Collagen Supplement
    • Taking Pearl Powder Helps Too!

    There are three main reasons why you should brush your hair before shampooing. 1) If the hair is tangled, it cannot be washed properly even with shampoo, and when the hair and scalp are not washed completely clean, it will affect both your hair volume and quality; 2) If the hair is washed in a tangled state, the hair will get even more tangled afte...

    Washing your hair is like washing your face. It is never good to over wash your hair, but you should wash your hair twice with shampoo every time you wash your hair. This is because it is easy for dirt, styling products, oils, etc. to remain on the hair and scalp after a single wash. Over time, it will burden the scalp and hair shaft, resulting in ...

    Most hair products contain silicones of various types that form a protective film on the hair surface for smoothness with less frizziness. Yet, long-term use can destabilize the protein bonds that make up 97% of the hair, whilst other nutrients cannot penetrate; if the product contains water-insoluble silicone, then it can even build up on the hair...

    A lot of people suggests using coconut oil for hair. It does make the hair feel smoother for a while, but in reality, coconut oil is bad for both the hair and scalp. This is because coconut oil is rich in lauric acid (a fatty acid), with a distinct protein structure, which makes it penetrate the hair shaft, and completely coat each strand of hair, ...

    We have mentioned above how hair growth and anti-hair loss shampoo, conditioner and hair mask are not very effective, due to the fact that there simply is not enough time to penetrate the scalp and hair follicles. Therefore, for hair growth and hair loss prevention, a hair treatment / serum used on the scalp is your best bet (treatment used on the ...

    Doesn’t blowing drying the hair everyday makes it dry and weak? The truth is, hair is weakest when it is wet, thus using a hair-dryer at the right distance and temperature can actually cause less damage than letting it air-dry for hours. This is because when hair swells and stretches up to 30% when it is wet. So the longer it stays wet, the longer ...

    Besides hair dryer, many people use hair straighteners or curlers these days to attain the perfect hair style. However, the high temperatures, which are often much higher than a hair dryer, can negatively impact hair health. The most obvious signs of heat damaged hair? Dryness, dullness, split ends, breakage, frizziness, flyaways, rough or changed ...

    What does collagen have to do with hair you may ask. Well, it actually matters a lot. Firstly, hair is mostly made up of a protein called keratin, which is synthesized by the body using amino acid, particularly, proline. As the collagen supplement enters the body, it gets broken down into amino acids, including glycine, hydroxyproline and proline, ...

    Pearl powder contains nacre that increases tissue regeneration such as collagen types I and III, whilst conchiolin, a special compound also unique to pearls, stimulates collagen promotion, as well as keratin, which is one of the proteins in skin and hair that improves hydration of skin cells, speed up cell metabolism, increase circulation, prevent ...

  3. 2019年10月10日 · 要有效生髮,最直接方法是改變你的洗頭習慣。 如果你的頭髮不是很油,其實不用每天洗(特別是頭皮乾旱人士),反而隔一天洗頭更能滋潤絲; 在洗頭時,避免將洗頭直接塗抹於頭皮上,應該先在掌心起泡,再從尾位置開始,慢慢向頭皮方向輕力按摩,這樣做有助促進血液循環,加快頭髮生長。...

  4. 1. 根據全球統計健康頭髮每月大概生長0.5至1.5 cm如果你的期望遠超過這個數字或想明天後天、-星期便見到效果可能你會覺得生髮水/生髪用品沒有效果。 大自然生長需循序漸進,儘管天然 生髪水/ 生髪用品 能激活毛囊促進頭髮生長如果期望過高1個月內達到理想效果的只能靠一些科技化學合成的產物並不是天然人體的正常生長過程2. 成人皮膚的更新周期一般是28天,由底層細胞,逐漸成長延伸至表層細胞,脫落更換,稱為皮膚再生周期。 頭髮在毛囊中生長,血管輸送各樣養分至毛囊,令頭髮逐步健康生長。 這個過程有點像植物,由種子發芽,莖部逐漸增長成長。

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