雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 推薦人. 受薦人. 成功推薦親友開立. 由即日至2024年9月30日,合資格客戶成功推薦親友開立全新戶口並符合指定要求 1 ,可獲享豐富獎賞! 推薦人. 優越私人理財. 優越理財. 全新客戶 2. 雙倍獎賞. 首位推薦港幣. 20,000元現金獎賞 3. 其後每位推薦港幣. 10,000元現金獎賞. 雙倍獎賞. 首位推薦港幣. 4,000元現金獎賞 3. 其後每位推薦港幣. 2,000元現金獎賞. 現有客戶. 每位港幣. 10,000元現金獎賞. 每位港幣. 2,000元現金獎賞. 推薦步驟. 1.於 填寫網上推薦表格進行登記。 2.登記完成後獲取推薦編號及網上推薦表格鏈結。 3.轉發其推薦編號及網上推薦表格鏈結給親友。 受薦人迎新優惠. 想和親朋好友一同享受各種尊屬禮遇?

  2. Joined the Board since September 2021 Other positions held within Hang Seng Group Hang Seng Bank Limited Note - Chairman of Executive Committee; Member of Nomination Committee Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited - Chairman and Non-executive Director

  3. To meet your financial needs, Hang Seng Bank is committed to providing you with one-stop online banking service - Hang Seng Personal e-Banking.

  4. Credit Ratings. MOODY'S. Hang Seng Bank. Long-term Bank Deposit (local and foreign currency) Aa3. Short-term Bank Deposit (local and foreign currency) Prime -1. Outlook. Stable.

  5. 截至 11/07/2024 05:16 香港時間. 恒生銀行提供最新外幣電匯及現鈔兌換價, 包括人民幣、美元﹑英鎊﹑澳元﹑加元﹑泰銖等外幣匯率價格,並有外幣兌換計算機助你輕鬆獲取匯率換算結果。

  6. 查閱最新的恒生環境、社會及管治報告,亦可參閱近年的企業可持續發展報告。 2020 恒生作為香港具領導地位之本地銀行,我們以身作則,致力推行社會投資並確保企業可持續發展。立即參閱恒生環境、社會及管治報告了解更多。

  7. Whenever you encounter any problems or questions on remittance, Hang Seng can offer you expert advice. Check out here for quick answers to a list of commonly asked questions on remittances including cut-off time, pricing, special offers, remittance to mainland.