雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2013年11月11日 · Not many children escaped the '90s without at least knowing about this strange yet delightful Japanese game. For those who lived through the '80s and '90s, get ready to feel nostalgic as we turn back the clock and dive into toys that were a hit in Japan and around the world during the late 20th century.

  2. 2020年10月14日 · First is the unequivocally amazing Tokyo Love Story (1991), based on a popular manga by Saimon Fumi. Rika, the sassy protagonist, sets the stage for all other so-called “trendy” dramas to come with her independence and spunk.

  3. 2016年10月9日 · 当时田径、摔跤、足球、曲棍球等项目的比赛都在这里举行。 尤其值得一提的是,排球比赛也在这里举行。 为什么要把排球单独拿出来说呢?

  4. 圖片上的區間被劃分得極其細緻,球速有90110130時速三種可供選擇。 而一旦你選擇了投球為變化球,就能體驗到如同實戰演習一般的真實感了。 握緊球棒,你準備好了嗎?

  5. 2017年5月19日 · AAJ全日本为打算来东京自由行的你,严选出一些人气雷打不动、且海外游客蜂涌而至的10大超经典观光地! 在此,我们已为这些景点一一打上标签,大家看每部分时,都能很直观的对其看点,做到一目了然。 或许有一部分景点你已经去过,所以大可以灵活利用这篇文章来制定来东京观光的日程表。 标签. 绝景. 可远眺风景的景点. 购物. 可以满足不同游客不同购物需求的景点. 文化. 可满足游客在学问求知方面好奇心的景点. 历史. 充满深厚历史感的景点. 娱乐. 可供游客玩乐休闲的景点. 上野恩赐公园(上野地区):文化/历史. 上野恩赐公园号称东京的文化森林,这一带坐落着众多知名的美术馆,博物馆,大学及历史文化建筑。

  6. 2018年7月27日 · Tokyo is generally thought of as a modern Japanese metropolis. And it is! But behind the bright lights and towering buildings there are hidden gems dotted around the city. Full of tiny bars and eateries, these winding alleyways are a holdover from a different time, and offer some of the city's most unique drinking, dining and nightlife experiences.

  7. 2018年2月20日 · But if you want to try a level-up, head to one of the two VR Park Tokyo locations in Shibuya and Ikebukuro, where you can pay a flat rate for 90 minutes of free play on an assortment of VR games, while a standard game center awaits on the lower