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  1. M ost gardens are filled with beautiful trees and flowers. But at Alnwick Poison Garden in the UK, touching or smelling the wrong plant could kill you. Alnwick was just a regular garden when it opened in 1750. However, over the years, many of the plants died off because no one cared for them, and the garden was all but forgotten.

  2. I envy you. (我真忌妒你有這麼大的庭園)等等,就會令人懷疑你的英文能力。. 像(2)例句中,可以遊戲的庭院,會以 yard 表示。. yard 就像是 school yard (校園)、 church yard(教會空地)等等,表示鄰近建築物,有時以圍牆或牆壁圍繞,以水泥或石頭修飾的土地 ...

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    不必擔心你待在這裡的期間所有費用,我最後會跟飯店一次結清。. on the house 免費招待. The first round of drinks are always on the house. 第一輪酒通常是由店家招待。. 當要請客時,也可以用 on 這個介系詞. Dinner is on me. 晚餐由我買單。. garnish 裝飾. 有些調酒師會在杯沿掛 ...

  4. 時光荏苒,不知不覺 2015 年已經過了一半!四季交替也要來到了夏季,各位讀者覺得夏天是個什麼樣的季節呢?可以試著用英文表達自己心目中的夏天的樣子喔!以下要和大家分享的小短文,便是以「夏天」為主題書寫的,大家在寫英文作文的時候,也可以多帶入自己的經驗或小故事,讓文章更精采 ...

  5. 理由. a. 空格前有單數的名詞詞組 the five-day-long ceremony(這項長達五天的儀式),空格後則為動名詞片語 taking a census of swans(對天鵝進行普查),故知本句尚缺動詞,再者,此處在說明現在的事實,故空格應置現在式單數及物動詞。. b. 選項中有 (C) attacks、 (F ...

  6. For anyone interested in hiking, Taiwan’s Yushan, or Jade Mountain, is the top prize on the island. Topping out at 3,952 meters, Yushan is the highest mountain in Taiwan, and though that may sound daunting , it is a fairly accessible climb. Best yet, it’s in the ...

  7. 順應潮流;趕上潮流. bandwagon [ `bAnd:wAgJn ] n. 潮流. 例: Many companies have jumped on the green bandwagon. (許多公司已經開始順應環保潮流。. so far 到目前為止(常與現在完成式或現在完成進行式並用). 例: So far, the plan has been going smoothly. (到目前為止,這項計劃一直進行 ...