雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年1月28日 · Bowtie is here to answer the top 10 questions about insurance for children. Author Bowtie Team. Date 2021-01-28. Updated on 2021-08-11. Menu. What insurance do children need? VHIS provides protection and tax deductions Can children with SEN get insured? Premium overview of VHIS, Accident and Cancer Insurance. What insurance do children need? 1.

  2. 2023年2月3日 · Bowtie, Hong Kong’s first virtual insurer, announced the appointment of Professor Tony Mok, authority in clinical oncology, as Health Advisor, where he will sit on the Health Innovation Committee.

  3. Graduation, marriage, tying the bowknots for your daughter or the shoelaces for the kids, every single one of them is a special moment! We want to protect each of your special moments! Our company is named Bowtie because we want to build a brand that reaches out to everyone.

  4. 2022年8月11日 · I had the great pleasure of leading digital product management and design in 2021 at a Hong Kong startup called Bowtie. In this three-part story, I hope to convince ambitious builders to join Bowtie.

  5. 2023年5月31日 · 3 Reasons Women need Critical Illness Insurance. In recent years, many insurance companies have introduced plans specifically designed critical illnesses insurance for women. Does this mean that women have a higher risk of developing critical illnesses compared to men?

  6. 2022年12月22日 · 中醫知識. 【冬至2022】冬至最易病? 11大習俗、養生方法一覽. 冬至(Winter Solstice / Dongzhi)經過數千年發展,由古代到現今,都是一個非常重要的節氣,其重要程度和新年不遑多讓。 既然冬至並不是一個節日,為何如此受人們重視呢? 冬至又有甚麼習俗? 原來冬至必食的盆菜及湯圓穩藏了不少卡路里及健康問題,今次 Bowtie 團隊就為大家介紹冬至的意義和相關習俗與禁忌吧! 作者 Bowtie 團隊. 日期 2022-12-22. 更新 2022-12-22. 冬至通常是幾月幾號? 今年新曆是幾月幾日? 冬至通常是在每年新曆的 12 月 21 日或 22 日,也有些年份會落在 12 月 23 日。 2022 年的冬至是新曆 12 月 22 日(星期四)。 冬至習俗.

  7. Some services may be reimbursed up to the benefit limits. With only HK$377/ month, you may get medical insurance for family of three! Buy it before 13 May 2024, enjoy 35% off for the first year premium, and $1,000 BowtieCash each - BowtieCash could be used to pay for any eligible medical costs.