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  1. 2011年9月26日 · Duxaril Tablets, also known as Compound Almitrine Tablets, containing almitrine bismesylate 30mg and raubasine 10mg, is used for treatment of the symptoms of cognitive and chronic sensorineural impairment in elderly (excluding Alzheimer’s

    • Duxaril Indications
    • Duxaril Description
    • Duxaril Interactions
    • Duxaril Side Effects
    • Duxaril Contraindications
    • Active Ingredient Matches For Duxaril
    • References
    • Reviews

    Treatment of the symptoms of cognitive decline of ischemic origin in elderly patients. Treatment of the symptoms of neurosensory decline of ischemic origin in elderly patients, including visual and auditory deficit. Treatment of tinnitus, vertigo and balance disorders of ischemic origin in elderly patients. this Drug belong to the (diphenylmethyl) ...

    Duxarilis a typical antipsychotic drug of the thioxanthene (tricyclic) class. Duxaril exerts strong blocking effects by blocking the 5-HT2 D1, D2, D3, histamine H1, muscarinic and alpha1 adrenergic receptors.

    Duxaril may increase the plasma-level of concomitantly given lithium. In order to avoid lithium intoxication, lithium plasma levels should be monitored closely. If chlorprothixene is given concomitantly with opioids, the opioid dose should be reduced (by approx. 50%), because chlorprothixene amplifies the therapeutic actions and side-effects of opi...

    Rare side effects have been reported: Weight loss, peripheral neuropathy with abnormal sensations in the lower limbs or paresthesiae (prickling, pins-and-needles, numbness). These effects have usually been observed during the long-term treatment of ≥1 year. These signs disappear following cessation of the treatment. Nausea, heartburns and epigastri...

    Contraindications include alcohol abuse (adds to the central nervous system (CNS) depressant effects), blood disease, enlarged prostate, glaucoma, heart or blood vessel disease, lung disease, Parkinsons disease, stomach ulcers, urination problems (thioxanthenes may worsen the condition), liver disease (higher blood levels of thioxanthenes may occur...

    Almitrine/Raubasinein Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand. Almitrine Dimesylate/Raubasine Almitrine dimesilate/raubasinein Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines. Almitrine bismesylate/Raubasinein Singapore.

    PubChem. "ALMITRINE". https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/com...(accessed September 17, 2018).
    DrugBank. "ALMITRINE". http://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB01430(accessed September 17, 2018).
    MeSH. "Respiratory System Agents". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/68...(accessed September 17, 2018).

    Consumer reviews

    Information checked by Dr. Sachin Kumar, MD Pharmacology

    • (7)
  2. 其他人也問了

  3. 2022年3月13日 · Duxaril is a typical antipsychotic drug of the thioxanthene (tricyclic) class. Duxaril exerts strong blocking effects by blocking the 5-HT2 D1, D2, D3, histamine H1, muscarinic and alpha1 adrenergic receptors.

  4. 張卓然藥劑師. 核對. 最後更新於 2022-09-29. 樂可舒 (Dulcolax)有何功效? 樂可舒是一種含有 比沙可啶 的產品。 比沙可啶屬於刺激性瀉劑,它可通過增加腸道活動來刺激腸道蠕動,產生便意,幫助舒暢排便。 樂可舒適用於治療 便秘 。 如何使用樂可舒 (Dulcolax)及調較劑量? 樂可舒是一種口服藥物。 以下是不同年齡人士的建議服用劑量: 成人及10歲以上兒童 : 每日1-2粒,在睡前整粒用水送服。 4-10歲兒童 : 每日1粒,在睡前整粒用水送服。 樂可舒 (Dulcolax)有什麼副作用? 樂可舒的常見副作用包括胃痛、 噁心 和 嘔吐 。 誰不適合使用樂可舒 (Dulcolax): 患有腸道阻塞的人士. 患有感染性 腹瀉 的人士. 藥劑師 提示:

  5. www.diabetes-hk.org › ch › page香港糖尿聯會

    5 天前 · 糖尿病藥物治療. 糖尿病藥物可簡單分為口服糖尿藥和注射藥物,而注射藥物再可細分為胰島素及非胰島素。 一型糖尿患者:必須注射胰島素. 二型糖尿病人:視乎不同情況,需要服用一種或多種非胰島素藥物。 在以下情況亦會需要注射胰島素,如急性高血糖併發症、嚴重感染、腎功能衰竭、手術前後、懷孕期間或當非胰島素藥物未能有效控制血糖時等等。 1. 口服糖尿藥. 2. 注射藥物. 非胰島素 (皮下注射藥物) 胰島素. 1. 口服降糖藥. 2. 注射藥物. I. 非胰島素. 皮下注射藥物: II. 胰島素 (Insulin)是一種荷爾蒙,由胰臟內的β細胞製造。 胰島素的工作是幫助血糖進入身體細胞,使血糖維持在正常水平。 它是一種蛋白質,功效會被腸胃的消化液破壞,故不能口服,一般都以皮下注射的方式吸收。

  6. Cerebral ischemia: from pharmacology to modern techniques and clinical implications. Value of almitrine-raubasin (Duxil Duxaril). International symposium, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China, May 14, 1994

  7. How frequently do I need to take Duxaril? It was reported by ndrugs.com website users that Duxaril should ideally be taken Twice in a day as the most common frequency of the Duxaril. You should you adhere strictly to the instructions and guidelines provided by

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