雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年6月6日 · The trio will be starring together in the upcoming horror film, Sadako vs Kayako, due to be released in Japanese cinemas on June 18, 2016. Related Stories: Cosplay and rejuvenate your skin at the same time with new Sadako vs Kayako face masks. Sadako vs Kayako glass hangers will make your drinks horrifyingly cute.

  2. 2016年12月28日 · By 1950, the league was large enough to split into the Central League (consisting of older teams) and the Pacific League (consisting of new teams), which to this day face off in the Japan Series every October. There are a few differences between Japanese and

  3. 2018年8月20日 · 下北泽之所以能够一直成为年轻人最向往的居住地,其中很大一部分原因是,这里聚集了很多小剧场、小型迷你演唱厅(Live House)、现场音乐吧、二手唱片店等,是流行文化的传播地和试验场。 图中的「本多剧场」就是其中非常有代表性的标志性地点。 剧场除了会定期安排上演一些实验性戏剧之外,就连电视上经常露脸的名演员,也会在这家剧场,上演他们的剧目。 可以说,本多剧场是一处包容并蓄的戏剧迷圣殿。 永远为那些对剧场恋恋情深的深,保留一个充满无限可能性的舞台。 除了本多剧场,就在几米之外,还有「小剧场・乐园」,「站前剧场」和「OffOff Theater」等小型剧场。 别看这里剧场扎堆,但完全不是残酷的竞争关系。 为了戏剧,大家在这里洒下希望的火种,星星之火可以燎原。

  4. 2021年9月29日 · 在永續發展週的活動期間,日本連鎖超市伊藤洋華堂(Ito Yokado)將透過自家品牌「Food with a Face」向消費者傳達生產者的信念與行動。 商品包裝將印上生產者的漫畫人像,並附上QR條碼,供消費者查詢生產者為永續生產的付出,如減少農地的化學物質等。

  5. 2017年10月16日 · It may sometimes be tempting to simply pass out in bed after a long evening with a full face of makeup on. Yet a film of old makeup is not considered the best path toward healthy skin. Instead, a cleansing oil helps remove makeup and any built-up dirt and impurities while prepping your face for a good washing.

  6. 2017年2月28日 · Not many children escaped the '90s without at least knowing about this strange yet delightful Japanese game. 1. For those who lived through the '80s and '90s, get ready to feel nostalgic as we turn back the clock and dive into toys that were a hit in Japan and around the world during the late 20th century.

  7. 2016年10月1日 · 1. All you do is look down. 2. The noodles just follow the line of gravity. 3. There's no sense of motion. You could probably do this at a funeral without getting kicked out! http://omocoro.jp/kiji/63011/ But during the summer in Japan there are tons of events like festivals and fireworks that liven things up.