雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 國際金融中心(簡稱國金;英語: International Finance Centre;縮寫方式:ifc)是香港作為世界級金融中心的著名地標,位於香港島 中環 港景街1號及金融街8號,面向維多利亞港。由港鐵公司及新鴻基地產、恒基兆業、香港中華煤氣及中銀香港屬下的新中地產所組成的IFC Development Limited發展公司、由美國 ...

  2. ifc at Central Waterfront is a world-class business and leisure destination in Hong Kong. Be sure to come experience the extraordinary! This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more here

  3. IFC at a glance. IFC - a member of the World Bank Group - is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector in developing countries. We leverage the power of the private sector and share expertise to transform ideas into investments for green growth, inclusive jobs and impactful projects.

  4. ifc at Central Waterfront is a world-class business and leisure destination in Hong Kong. Be sure to come experience the extraordinary! ifc mall | International Finance Centre, Hong Kong

  5. 國際金融中心一、二期盡佔中環商業核心地段的地利,成功吸引世界知名金融機構進駐。. 兩座大樓皆出自舉世知名的建築師Cesar Pelli手筆,延續傳統摩天大廈的磅礡氣勢,建構出一座城中城,提供300萬平方呎的甲級辦公大樓空間,成為千萬位專業菁英工作和休閑 ...

  6. IPA. [kʷɔk̚˧.tsɐj˧ kɐm˥.jʊŋ˩ tsʊŋ˥.sɐm˥] The International Finance Centre (abbreviated as ifc) is a skyscraper and integrated commercial development on the waterfront of Hong Kong 's Central District . A prominent landmark on Hong Kong Island, ifc consists of two skyscrapers (One and Two ifc), the ifc mall, and the 55-storey ...

  7. 60 years ago, IFC pioneered the idea of the private sector as a catalyst for progress in developing countries. Today, IFC’s enduring impact spans more than 100 nations. Since 1956, we’ve empowered entrepreneurs all over the world, turning bold ideas into engines of inclusive growth with millions of jobs created, lives uplifted, and ...

  8. ifc保留權利,可自行斟酌在任何時間終止計劃之禮券換領服務而毋須先行通知會員。 ifc及接受禮券商戶保留修改、取消或暫停換領及使用禮券的權利,並修改相關禮券換領及使用之條款與細則的權利,而毋須先行通知會員。

  9. With almost 3 million square feet of prime business district office space and unusually large floorplates, One and Two ifc are ideally suited to financial institutions who require spacious, open-plan trading floors. View Location. ifc at Central Waterfront is a world-class business and leisure destination in Hong Kong.

  10. 2024年5月27日 · 挽肉と米香港店網上預約攻略一文看清!人氣日本漢堡扒名店「挽肉と米」早前在中環ifc mall開幕,而開業一星期,餐廳更宣布已經提早完成網上預約系統。新假期編輯已經為你整理了網上預約攻略,還附上8大貼士,增加預約成功率。

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