雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Istus holds herself aloof from all other gods, even those of her own pantheon. The mendicant Daoud was a servant of the Lady of Our Fate in life. Istus is said to have a strange companion, a cloudlike being who is a prince from the Demiplane of Time.

  2. Summary: Istus was originally an unborn child of gods whom she never knew, but her destiny lied elsewhere. A deeply caring Goddess. She personally selects followers to be Holy Paladins of hers and uses them as ambassadors to the mortal world. Only said

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  4. Istus is a powerful deity who takes an abstract interest in the destinies of mortal and immortal alike. She carries a golden spindle with which she weaves the strands of fate together, spinning the future into the present.

  5. 2023年4月22日 · Istus Type: Deity Portfolio: Fate and destiny Gender: Female Alignment: Neutral Domains: Fate, Knowledge Symbol: Weaver's spindle with three strands Pantheon: Greyhawk

    • Description
    • Relationships
    • Realm
    • Dogma
    • Worshipers
    • Relics
    • Rituals
    • References

    Istus is the most powerful of the Baklunish deities, but aloof from mortals and immortals alike, concerning herself only with the fate of the universe. She is depicted in three separate ways: as an old crone, as a mature and haughty noble dame, and as a cold and unfeeling young maiden. She carries a golden spindle, with which she spins the future i...

    Istus holds herself aloof from all other gods, even those of her own pantheon. The mendicant Daoud was a servant of the Lady of Our Fate in life. Istus is said to have a strange companion, a cloudlike being who is a prince from the Demiplane of Time. In the course of events in the adventure Fate of Istus, Istus creates a being known as the Morgorat...

    Istus dwells within the Web of Fate, which is thought by some to be a realm in the Outlands and by some to be a pocket universe beyond the known cosmology, or perhaps a demiplane within the Ethereal Plane. All times and places are open to Istus as long as she holds her spindle; if she loses it, she must return home immediately.

    In the strange metaphysics of the worshippers of Istus, the multiverse is conceived of as an intricate mesh of interconnected threads, with everything connected to everything else. They are believers in predestination, although the threads of fate are sometimes slack enough that destiny can be altered in some small way. Because the future is for th...

    Because Fate is callous and often unkind, only cynical and unfeeling people tend to make Istus their patron. Centers of Istus' worship are in Dyvers, the Free City of Greyhawk, Rauxes, Rel Mord, and Stoink. She is also worshipped in Bissel, the Bright Lands, Ekbir, Ket, the Plains of the Paynims, the Tiger Nomads, Tusmit, the Wolf Nomads, and Zeif.

    Deck of Many Things

    1. Istus created the very first Deck of Many Things. In response to pleas from a human princess, Asteria, (from a "small, coastal kingdom") to change the fate of her boon companion and close friend, Euryale, who was a medusawho had been murdered by Asteria's father's soldiers. Istus made the first Deck to give them a chance to change their fates. Afterward, because of the divine nature of the Deck, it multiplied across the multiverse. Mortal spellcasters made similar artifacts and new cards,...

    Services to Istus include hangings of gauze, clouds of incense, the music of woodwinds, chanting, and meditation.

    Conforti, Steven, ed. Living Greyhawk Official Listing of Deities for Use in the Campaign,version 2.0. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2005. Available online:
    Findley, Nigel, Dan Salas, Stephen Inniss, and Robert J. Kuntz. Fate of Istus. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1989.
    Gygax, Gary. "The Deities and Demigods of the World of Greyhawk." Dragon#69. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1983.
  6. Istus, goddess of fate in greyhawk. Oldschool D&D. I want to understand to the best of my knowledge and is asking for info if istus came out during 1st edition. And if clerics to greyhawk gods got more powers based on worship when certain dragon magazines came out for deities and demigods of the world of greyhawk.

  7. 2019年1月23日 · Istus is the most powerful of the Baklunish deities, but aloof from mortals and immortals alike, concerning herself only with the fate of the universe. She is depicted in three different ways: as an old crone, as a mature and haughty noble dame, and as a cold and unfeeling young maiden.

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