雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 公告訊息. 【請注意偽造帳號,勿上當受騙】 請注意目前有偽造「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」的臉書帳號。 請勿點擊偽造帳號的留言或任何相關連結,「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」並不會要求粉絲進行任何註冊或付款等動作。 「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」只有此一粉絲專頁(https://www.facebook.com/GoTokyo.cht),其他的為偽造帳號,與此「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」粉專無任何相關,請大家多加小心。 目前熱門話題. 自4月27日以後的週末及節假日,在東京都廳舍的光雕投影活動中將會有哥斯拉驚喜登場. Hello Kitty introduces the “tips” for sightseeing in Tokyo.

  2. 2021年2月25日 · Thermae湯. 東京都新宿區歌舞伎町1-1-2. 久松湯 是位於練馬的公共澡堂,風格優雅摩登,能以便宜的價格泡天然溫泉。 浴室設計特別重視光線,除了在寬敞的空間設置大大的窗戶,更以光雕投影方式照射出療癒影像,能讓您體驗前所未有的放鬆感受。 久松湯. 東京練馬區櫻台4-32-15. 深大寺天然溫泉 湯守之里 位於東京西部,有免費接駁巴士從武藏境站來往接送。 這裡以「人與自然和諧共生」為主題,直接使用自然湧出的源泉,未另外加水,館內建築及浴池也選用天然素材。 透過翠竹、木炭及波動石,營造出與自然合一的平靜空間,喜愛大自然的您千萬不能錯過。 深大寺天然溫泉 湯守之里. 東京都調布市深大寺元町2-12-2.

  3. 2024年3月1日 · Current & Upcoming Exhibitions in Tokyo | The Official Tokyo Travel Guide, GO TOKYO. Find a wealth of world-class exhibitions at Tokyo's leading galleries and museums. From pop art to pre-modern masterpieces, Tokyo offers an abundance of galleries and museums with exhibitions catering to all tastes.

  4. 2024年2月21日 · 旅游指南攻略. 东京夜樱・夜间点灯赏樱指南. Updated: February 21, 2024. 梦幻景色为春夜添彩. 若您打算在3月下旬至4月上旬期间前来东京,要悠闲赏樱就看夜樱景点攻略。 小巧玲珑的白天樱花风姿固然美丽,但每逢樱花季节在很多公园及庭园举办的夜间点灯活动也值得一游。 特別是打上灯光的樱花散发着绚丽光芒,美不胜收。 东京中心区域旅游景点. 千代田樱花节. 照片来源∕一般社团法人千代田区观光协会. 可欣赏千鸟渊沿岸成排樱花树的千鸟渊绿道是您绝对不容错过的景点。 这里以著名的染井吉野樱为主,共有约260株樱花沿着700米长的散步道竞相绽放,宛如一条樱花隧道。 入夜后,丸之内地区成群的高楼大厦与灯光下的樱花交相辉映,景色更显动人。

  5. Calendar. On Now & Coming Soon. See All. Calendar. June Visit Tokyo in June, and the weather begins to get steamy. Rainy season arrives, but not all days are marked by wet weather. Embrace the increasing humidity with the official opening of Tokyo's many beer gardens and imbibe in a glass of your favorite ale.

  6. 2023年10月6日 · On a clear day, the bright blue sky blankets the Symbol Promenade Park, making it a pleasant place for a leisurely walk. The promenade connects the different entertainment areas of Odaiba, and offers visitors expansive bay views. In spring, cherry blossoms, tulips, pansies, and violets burst into bloom, and in early summer you can enjoy hydrangeas.

    • Edo Castle Turned Imperial Palace
    • Visiting The Tokyo Imperial Palace
    • Imperial Palace Walking Tour
    • East Gardens
    • "Ippan Sanga"- Seeing The Imperial Family
    • Hotels Near The Imperial Palace

    For over 250 years, Japan was ruled by the Tokugawa shogun during what was known as the Edo Period – Edo being the old name for Tokyo. The current Imperial Palace, known as Kokyo in Japanese, sits on the former site of Edo Castle. However, in 1868, the shogunate was overthrown, and Japan’s capital was moved from Kyoto to Tokyo, with the Imperial Re...

    You can call by the site of the Imperial Palaceany time –its perimeter is a popular jogging route and the East Gardens are open to the public year-round. However, to make the most of your visit and get a good historical overview, put on some comfortable shoes and take a walking tour. Check the Imperial Palace’s official website for a map of the gro...

    Some part of the inner palace grounds can only be viewed on a tour, which is held in English and Japanese, twice daily, Tuesday thru Saturday. While same-day tickets are available, you can easily skip the queues by making an advance reservation for a ticket through contacting the Imperial Household Agency. The tour is open and distributed from 9:00...

    Open daily except Mondays, Fridays and designated holidays, these beautiful Japanese gardensare free to the public and especially popular for their dazzling cherry blossoms during the spring and their vibrant autumn foliage later in the year. Take a stroll for a glimpse into the area’s history as the former site of Edo Castle-you can view and climb...

    Since the Imperial Palace is the main residence of the Imperial Family, it is fairly understandable that they can’t welcome visitors all year round. But there are two days a year when you catch a glimpse of them up close. As part of a New Year celebration, on January 2nd, the grounds of the Imperial Palace are open to the general public. Large crow...

    Sitting truly in the heart of Tokyo and with great access to the city, there are plenty of hotels around the Imperial Palace. Imperial Hotel Tokyois a luxurious hotel that has won 5 stars on the hotel information website "five Star Alliance". It opened in 1890 in order to accommodate an influx of distinguished international visitors. The Forbes Tra...

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