雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Are “temporary”, “part-time” and “substituted” employees covered by the Employment Ordinance? Q7. Would an “ employee < ” and a “ contractor or self-employed person ” enjoy the same protection under the Employment Ordinance?

  2. 僱傭合約 問1. 甚麼是僱傭合約? 問2. 甚麼是連續性僱傭合約? 問3. 以書面還是以口頭方式訂立僱傭合約對僱傭雙方的保障較佳? 問4. 當僱傭合約以書面形式訂立,僱主是否必須將合約的副本給予僱員?

  3. 《僱傭條例》是規管本港僱傭條件的主要法例。 該條例自1968制定以來,經大幅修訂,目前為僱員提供全面的僱傭保障和福利,其中包括: 工資保障. 休息日. 有薪假日. 有薪年假. 疾病津貼. 生育保障. 侍產假. 遣散費. 長期服務金. 僱傭保障. 終止僱傭合約. 保障僱員不會因參與職工會活動而遭歧視. 按此可獲得更多有關 《僱傭條例》 的資料. 《職業介紹所規例》 附屬於《僱傭條例》的《職業介紹所規例》對職業介紹所的運作加以規管。 規例的主要條文包括: 所有職業介紹所在經營任何職業介紹的業務之前,必須向勞工處申請牌照; 有關牌照的申請, 最遲須於開始營業前一個月,以指定的表格向勞工處處長提出; 由發牌日起計,牌照的有效期是12個月。 續期的申請最遲須於牌照屆滿前兩個月提出;

  4. 有薪病假可分爲第1類及第2類。第1類病假最多可累積36天,36天以外的病假應撥入第2類,第2類病假最多可累積84天。 僱員如放取第1類有薪病假,須有由註冊醫生、註冊中醫或註冊牙醫簽發的醫生證明書*。就產前檢查而言,除了醫生證明書外,僱員亦可出示註冊醫生、註冊中醫、註冊助產士或註冊 ...

  5. The Employment Ordinance covers all employees, whether temporary or part-time, with the following exceptions -. (a) a family member who lives in the same dwelling as the employer; (b) an employee as defined in the Contracts for Employment Outside Hong Kong Ordinance; (c)

  6. short hours of work or duration of employment such as “part-time” are not protected by labour legislation. This is a misconception. In fact, all workers with employee status, no matter whether they are designated as “full-time” or “part-time”, casual, substitute or

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