雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Your carry-on baggage will be inspected using an X-ray machine. Take off your jacket, take your laptop and liquid items out of your bag, and put all these things into the tray. After the inspection, bring the tray to the return counter. Bringing hazardous substances ...

  2. If you want to carry your photographic film on plane, not only X-ray screening but also manual check by an screenr is possible. Customers who don't want to perform security screening by X-ray screening equipment, or customers who have ultrasensitive film, Please declare it to the staff.

  3. 爆炸物檢測裝置是透過在行李周圍360度旋轉照射X光的方式來自動探測爆炸物的裝置,類似於CT掃描的機制。 這個裝置顯著提升了檢測出行李中的爆炸物等危險物品的準確性。 在成田機場,除了針對旅客和其隨身手提行李、託運行李實施安全檢查之外,還安排了停機坪上每架飛機的專屬監視人員、緊鄰停機坪的行李貨艙站崗警衛、航廈內的警衛、機場周圍的警衛等,以各種方式確保全方位的安全。 這一切都是為了旅客的安全。 當您聽到安全檢查時,或許會覺得「我會被檢查,我必須接受檢查。 」,但您可以試著轉念:『要搭乘飛機的所有旅客都接受了和自己同樣的檢查,所以安全是有保障的』,這正是搭乘飛機的最大附加價值。 好好地接受安全檢查,最終受惠的其實是自己。 航空業在無形的「安全」上著實花費了大量的經費和心力,認真嚴謹,全力以赴。

  4. What to Do in a Body Scanner. ①Place everything from your pockets into a tray. ②Follow the instructions of the security personnel and proceed to the location indicated in orange. ③Raise your arms so that your elbows are bent and your forearms are at right angles to your upper arms, and turn slowly in a 360 degree circle. If the body ...

  5. 飛行機に乗る直前の搭乗ゲートでの手続きをご説明します。. 1. 搭乗券のチェック. 保安検査場入り口で、搭乗券のチェックを行います。. 保安検査場入り口に設置されている自動読み取り機で搭乗券のバーコードをかざしていただくか、検査員にご提示 ...

  6. The Face Express site, a new facial recognition-based boarding procedure. The dawn of a new style of smooth, contactless air travel at Narita International Airport. Information on boarding procedures, customer privacy, how to use the service and the terms and conditions.

  7. 搭乘飞机时,或许有不少旅客会觉得“必须接受安全检查, 麻烦!” 那么,究竟为什么必须实施安全检查呢?请停下脚步来想一想。在搭乘同一航班飞机的300人当中,有没有人携带刀枪或危险物品呢 ...