雅虎香港 搜尋


    • 乃木坂站。相較於「六本木」站,東京Metro地鐵千代田線的「乃木坂」站規模不大、結構簡單,也靠近「國立新美術館」,可以從6號出口直達美術館。2分鐘。
    • 國立新美術館。日本規模最大的「國立新美術館」舉辦不少日本國內外的藝術展覽會。美術館建築由黑川紀章設計,以玻璃、鋼鐵及水泥創造出波浪形外觀,獨具特色。館內優先考量實用性而巧妙配置空間,設有藝廊、咖啡廳、餐廳,以及商品陳列簡潔俐落的紀念品店。
    • 東京中城。「東京中城」匯集了飯店、辦公室、住宅及購物商場,猶如一座奢華城市。購物商場與餐廳的後方有「東京中城花園」,天氣晴朗時會舉辦瑜珈課程。花園內的「21_21 Design Sight」也不容錯過,此處是安藤忠雄參考三宅一生製作服飾的概念而建成的設計活動基地。
    • 六本木新城。六本木地區複合式商業設施的先驅「六本木新城」匯集了跨國企業總部、精品店及世界頂級美術館等,彷彿是一座城市。設施內除了「東京君悅酒店」,還有路易絲‧布爾喬亞知名的巨型蜘蛛雕塑「MAMAN」。
  1. 2024年5月16日 · 逛街購物──從高級精品到划算商品任您選. 六本木的購物環境混合了豪華奢侈與輕鬆快樂的氣息。. 在六本木Hills逛完精品後,就到發祥於日本的綜合折扣商店「唐吉訶德六本木店」走走吧。. 裡頭標著超低價格的各種商品幾乎堆到了天花板高,真叫人目瞪口呆。.

  2. 2022年3月22日 · The Koto City Fukagawa Edo Museum is a life-size reproduction of a Tokyo streetscape from the closing years of the Edo period (1603–1867). The re-creation goes to great lengths to show the lifestyles of the people at the time, right down to the homes they lived in and the daily goods they used. The museum's lighting also changes to reflect different times of day.

    • From The Dark Into The Electric Light
    • A Subcultural Revolution—The Playground For Anime and Otaku
    • Snap, Crackle and Pop Culture

    Once home to black-market sellers of electronics parts in postwar Japan, the streets of Akihabara are now densely packed with legitimate electronics retailers hawking everything with a current. Specialty parts shops line the streets, and electronics megastores such as Laox and Yodobashi Camera engage in fierce retail competition. Akihabara Radio Ka...

    The subcultures obsessed with gaming, manga, figure collecting and anime that constitute otaku culture have their roots firmly planted in Akihabara. Squeezed in between the many electronic component shops are shrines dedicated to individual obsessions. Akihabara Radio Kaikan and the Akiba Cultures Zone, for example, house many stores dedicated to a...

    Akihabara is home to another distinctive element of Japanese pop culture—the pop idol. The AKB48 Theatre is the birthplace of one of the most popular musical groups of recent times, AKB48, and devoted fans still flock to the area hoping for a glimpse of their favorite group member. The streets can become crowded on weekends if groups of cosplayers ...

  3. 2023年10月6日 · Wander through seemingly endless fields of flowers at Jindai Botanical Gardens. Sitting right next to Jindaiji Temple, the sprawling park that makes up the Jindai Botanical Gardens is home to the biggest rose garden in Tokyo and a variety of seasonal plants that transform during the seasons. If you find yourself in Tokyo during autumn, don't ...

  4. 舊岩淵水門 旧岩淵水門. 舊岩淵水門. 東京都北區志茂5-41-1. Updated: October 6, 2023. 前往遙想日本過去的門,舊岩淵水門吧。. 此門建於1924年,目的是為了防止隅田川氾濫並將洪水主流引入荒川排水渠。. 現在雖已完成其使命,但其明亮的紅色水門以美麗的姿態巍然 ...

  5. 2019年11月5日 · 黑川紀章. 照片提供單位:株式會社黑川紀章建築都市設計事務所. 黑川紀章(1934~2007)為「代謝派」建築師,提倡都市建築應配合社會、人口變動有機成長。. 黑川就讀東京大學大學院時曾師事丹下健三,受其都市計劃理念的影響極大。. 他的設計作品包括與乃 ...