雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Welcome to this website. We have designed it especially for old people in Hong Kong. Here we hope you will find many useful materials explaining the law, and your rights and obligations under the law.

  2. 由於醫療疏忽是人身傷害一種,閣下可閱覽社區法網「人身傷亡」一頁,參考所涉及法律程序。涉及醫療疏忽訴訟屬於人身傷亡訴訟,因此申索須於「由訴訟因由產生」日期起計之三年內,或由申索人對傷害「知情」日期起計之三年內展開。

  3. 大家《警訊》也不少了,騙徒會假扮是受害人親戚朋友,在電話裡頭說趕著要錢,叫受害人存款到某個銀行戶口。如果大家收到電話,不斷要您猜猜他是誰,又或是只叫媽媽爸爸,又不表露身份的話,就要小心了。 還有,如果收到一些不明來歷 ...

  4. Age discrimination in employment Grievances and related procedures Employers should establish internal grievance procedures. In cases where employees think they are being discriminated against (including age discrimination), vilified or harassed, they should ...

  5. Entitlement and access to public health care services Elderly Health Care Voucher The Health Care Voucher Pilot Scheme was launched on a pilot basis for a period of three years from 1 January 2009 and was converted to a recurrent programme in 2014. The ...

  6. 僱主不應因爲僱員年齡而將他/ 她解僱。如須裁員,不論屬自願或強制性質,都應根據公正無私、不帶懲罰或歧視成分準則來決定裁減什麽人,例如考慮僱員服務年資、工作性質及職業技能等。僱主應該對不同年齡僱員一視同仁,接受同一準則 ...

  7. 強積金 退休及提取強積金權益 供款人何時可提取他們強積金權益? 供款人退休或年滿65歲便可提取累積強積金權益。 有例外情況嗎? 如供款人死亡、完全或永久喪失行為能力、罹患末期疾病、於60至64歲期間提早退休或永久離開香港;