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  1. 我嘅理財轉捩點就係識咗我老婆 – Leanne。 當時 Leanne 身兼模特兒、演員同埋金融投資顧問。 佢同我講,唔介意我有冇錢,安全感唔係嚟自花唔花心,而係有冇將來。 當時我已經視 Leanne 為結婚對象,想組織家庭,諗到有小朋友要供書教學,要擔起成頭家之後,我對理財嘅睇法就改變咗好多。 而家我嘅財政大權都交畀老婆,好慶幸有佢做我嘅理財神隊友,佢除咗幫我投資,亦會教我正確嘅理財觀念。 大家要記住「理財」呢兩個字,真係要去「理」吓自己啲財去咗邊,千其唔好「使咗先算」,無論儲錢同使錢都要有計劃同目標。 當你慢慢對財富有概念之後,就可以學投資目光要遠啲,放眼將來,投資會令將來有更多選擇,面對突如其來嘅事都可以幾手準備。

  2. 凡成功推薦親友開立指定戶口,即可獲享豐富現金回贈!. 立即分享!. Citigold 提供專屬的財富管理、財資策劃服務及一流的銀行服務。. 升級至 Citigold 並存入指定新資金,即可賺取高達 HK$6,000 現金回贈。.

    • 香港九龍觀塘海濱道83號One Bay East, Citi Tower
  3. Citigold’s Premier Banking Services offer end-to-end solutions tailor-made for all your wealth needs. A dedicated relationship manager and a team of financial advisors will guide you through the myriad financial decisions you make on a daily basis. With Citigold being built around your banking needs, you will always stay in control of your ...

  4. Open a Citigold Private Client and a Citi NextGen account to enjoy up to HK$65,300 rewards. Find Out More. At Citigold Private Client, we understand that wealth goes beyond simple accumulation. It's about comfort in knowledge that everything stays stable during good and bad times. So you have the power to fully pursue, and enjoy your passions ...

  5. 分享,換來的豈只快樂,更有豐富獎賞!. 凡成功推薦親友開立指定戶口,即可獲享豐富現金回贈! Citigold Private Client. 推薦要求. 現金回贈. 成功推薦第1位親友. 每位可享HK$8,888. 成功推薦第2位親友或以上. 每位可享HK$10,888.

  6. 成為花旗私人客戶. 請以英文填妥下列各項資料。. 本人同意提供上述資料予花旗銀行(香港)有限公司,Citibank N.A 及其附屬機構,以供介紹其服務及產品之用。. 本人同意升級至Citigold Private Client並已閱讀、明白及同意有關戶口升級獎賞上述之條款及細則及須 ...

  7. 憑藉我們廣泛的分行網絡、花旗私人客戶業務中心以及自動櫃員機網絡,加上 Citibank 網上銀行及Citi Mobile ® App全方位為您提供全天候服務。. 晉身花旗私人客戶可享高達HK$68,000現金回贈。. 有關Citigold Private Client的開戶資格要求及最低資產管理金額的詳情。. 立即 ...

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