雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This mark meets the criteria for helping foreign tourists to Japan carry out sightseeing hand-free without carrying large baggage, by offering temprary deposit of baggage and enabling English guidance.

  2. 2024年4月16日 · This is the official Narita Airport website. It provides domestic and international flight information, airline information, access information, restaurant and shop information, and service and facility information.

  3. 1.免责事项. 2.携带液体类物品规定. 3.必须接受检查的液体类物品. 4.在免税店购买的商品. 5.常见问题. 1.免责事项. 在日本根据民用航空法的规定,旅客的安全检查由各航空公司执行。 本网站刊登进驻成田机场的航空公司的代表性规定,请注意,有些公司可能设有独自的规定。 详情请洽询您所搭乘的航空公司,或查看国土交通省的网站。 查询航空公司. 随身行李和托运行李中的危险物品. 2.携带液体类物品规定. 搭乘国际线航班时,所有装入超过 100ml (g) 容器的液体均禁止携带登机,但下列方式是可以携带的。 ※100ml (g) = 3.4ons. 随身手提行李. 装进 100ml (g) 的容器里,再放入容量不超过1L的拉链式透明塑料袋,即可携带登机。

  4. This is the official guide for passengers departing from Narita Airport. Please refer to this guide for floor maps as well as information on shops and services. Choose a chapter title and click. Narita International Airport Floor Guide -Terminal 1-(Published April 2023) download(PDF:2.59 MB)

  5. 1.Arrive at the airport. Different terminals are used depending on flights. Check your terminal by flight search. Search airline. Basic information on use of airport. Passenger Service Facility Charge (PSFC) and Passenger Security Service Charge (PSSC) 2.Quarantine. Follow the instructions to proceed to the quarantine counter.

  6. 展出飛機及零部件實物,還有各種體驗區、圖書室、眺望台等,寓教於樂地傳授人類的飛行歷史和航空科學知識。 概述 地址

  7. T1 Central Building / 1F / Before Security Check. To the Information Counters / Tourist Information.

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