雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 南加州大學 business 相關

  2. 適合持高級文憑/副學士(商科)兼讀英國新特蘭大學商業管理學位,獲英國資歷架構認證,立即諮詢。 在職人士可以兼讀制形式於12至33個月內完成學士課程,QS Stars 2022 (教學及就業能力)五星評級。


  1. Tokyo Metro's corporate information. You can view company outline, organization chart, financial data, safety and comfort measures, social and environmental activities, etc..

  2. We look forward to your continued understanding and support. President and CEO. Medium-Term Business Plan. Formulating Tokyo Metro's Medium-Term Business Plan. keyword1 "Providing Peace of Mind". keyword2 "Achieving Sustainable Growth". keyword3 "Collaborating to Enhance the Appeal and Vitality of Tokyo". Strengthening our Business Foundations.

  3. We will aim to strengthen our business foundations based upon the core concepts of ESG in order to ensure the realization of the three keywords that form the basis of this business plan. We will also use our business to help resolve societal issues while contributing to the achievement of our SDGs. 1.

  4. Business Contents. Introducing detailed information regarding transportation services, affiliated businesses, etc. To further increase customers' satisfaction, we are actively developing affiliated businesses focusing on effective use of unused land and spaces within station premises. Introducing detailed information regardi...

  5. 旅客服務處. 為使不習慣地鐵的旅客等也能安心乘用,我們設置了「旅客服務處」(上野站、銀座站、新宿站、表參道站、東京站、池袋站)及「東急東京Metro地鐵澀谷站遊客諮詢中心」(澀谷站:於2023年3月底時關閉中),提供相關協助。. 若您對車站內或車站 ...

  6. 介紹東京Metro地鐵乘車提醒及乘坐東京Metro的方便之處。此外也提供乘車方法,如何使用免費無線網路的資訊。 袖珍安全指南 「袖珍安全指南」是一本小冊子,內容說明各種措施、緊急程序及在緊急狀況時應考量的要點,以確保旅客的安全。

  7. 介紹旅行東京時乘坐東京Metro地鐵的方便之處。 方便遊覽熱門觀光景點 搭乘東京Metro地鐵,您可以方便遊覽淺草寺、澀谷站前十字路口、新宿歌舞伎町、築地場外市場、東京鐵塔 (神谷町) 、歌舞伎座 (東銀座)等東京熱門觀光景點。