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  1. 2017年10月16日 · Another way to get started teaching corporate lessons to professionals is through building a reputation and word-of-mouth. Perhaps one of your eikaiwa students wants to introduce you to the HR manager at their company, or maybe you currently have one-on-one lessons with the president of a company and they want you to bring your skills to their employees.

  2. 2018年8月17日 · For many, freelance language teaching jobs are the cream of the crop, offering flexibility and comfort unlike any other. But finding students can be a challenge without the right resources. Here are five solid options to get you started!

  3. 2019年3月27日 · Reviewing these 10 phrases can make your Japan shopping excursion that much easier! We've gone with the phonetic reading to make things simple, but just remember that verbs ending in dess or mass should formally be written as desu or masu. Now read up and get ready to hit the shops! ① I'm just looking. Pronunciation: Chotto miru dake dess ...

  4. 扇貝、裙帶菜是當地的特産,「HOTAWAKA」是兩個單詞組合,爲推薦當地特産,當地飲食業者成立了「陸前高田扇貝和裙帶菜料理推進協議會」,共有四家餐廳同時推出的「HOTAWAKA套餐」。. 「陸前高田希望與世界接軌,並正在改變。. 」越戶浩貴說:「2016年我們 ...

  5. 最後來說說參加日本當地旅行團的注意事項。. 1.嚴禁遲到。. 旅行團行程都是很緊湊的,巴士一定得定時出發不等人,以免耽誤後續行程,要是錯過出發時刻也只能含淚說再見啦。. 2.因天候或車況因素部分行程有可能取消。. 尤其如果碰到連續假期塞車的機率更 ...

  6. 如果你是頻繁到訪東京的旅客,如果你早已膩煩觀光區人擠人的粘膩感覺,如果你只想慢悠悠在東京享受幾個閒散午後,這篇由長居東京的當地人傾心推薦的5個小眾質感街區或許應該早早被你劃入旅行計劃之中。只要你肯用心做筆記,這些街區不僅可以讓你逛到腳軟,還非常適合拍照打卡!如果你 ...

  7. 2020年3月19日 · 從下北澤車站出站後朝東走大約6分鐘的路程就能來到以全新個性打造而成的商業空間reloadリロード)」。reload其實有兩層含義首先如同英文語法的字首re的意義一致代表著一種地區街道的再生」,此外還含有讓到訪者反覆暢遊漫步在此地的意思

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