雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. AIA. Request Form for Change of Address / Telephone Numbers / Email Address / Apply "AIA e-Advice" 更改通訊地址 / 聯絡電話 / 電郵地址 / 申請「友邦電子通知書」申請表格. Together we go green! You can submit policy service requests via our mobile app AIA Connect. You can also contact your Financial Planner to submit requests digitally through iChange.

  2. 致 : AIA International Limited 友邦保險( 國際)有限公司. (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability 於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司) 8/F, AIA Financial Centre, 712 Prince Edward Road East, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 香港九龍太子道東712 號友邦九龍金融中心8樓 Employer Hotline 僱主熱線: 2100 1888 Member ...

  3. 差餉物業估價署 ³數據顯示香港各區40至69.9 平方米約431至約752平方呎的住宅物業在2023年3月的平均租金分別是:. 港島:每平方米374港元(每平方呎34.76港元). 九龍:每平方米333港元(每平方呎30.95港元). 新界:每平方米250港元(每平方呎23.23港元 ...

  4. 備註:根據美國法律,任何美國人就其稅務狀況有虛假或失實陳述,將會受到刑罰。若閣下的稅務狀況有更改,並且成為美國 公民或居民,請於三十日內通知本公司。(美國公民或居民必須填寫IRS之W-9表格,而以上之有關條款並不適用。

  5. 閣下如欲更改你於本計劃的自僱人士成員賬戶資料,請遞交自僱人士記錄更新表格」。 If there is any change in circumstances which affects your tax residence status, you must notify the Trustee within 30 days and provide an updated Self-Certification. Please visit aia.com.hk and log into your MPF account to update your information under the “Tax Residency Status” tab.

  6. 閣下有權不時要求更改或移除指定人,但閣下在提出更改要求時必須神智正常。10.In case there is a dispute between the Designated Person and any other person (including but not limited to your guardian or committee, attorney, beneficiary(ies)

  7. AIA International Limited 友邦保險( 國際)有限公司. (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability 於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司) 8/F, AIA Financial Centre, 712 Prince Edward Road East, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 香港九龍太子道東712 號友邦九龍金融中心8樓 Employer Hotline 僱主熱線: 2100 1888 Member Hotline ...