雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 都市人生活忙碌,工作經常早出晚歸,聘請家傭打理家務及照顧家中老幼十分普遍。中銀集團保險瞭解您的需要,特別呈獻 ...

  2. 產品簡介. 自願醫保認可產品編號. 投保資格. 產品特點. 保障範圍. BMI計算器. 詳情請參閱簡介. 重要事項. 主要不保事項. 索償須知. 文件下載. 常見問題. 中銀集團保險有限公司 (「中銀集團保險」)誠意為您呈獻保障周全的「學宜無憂留學保險」 (「本計劃」)。 全面保障助您或您的子女安心到世界各地升學,享受留學生活之餘亦可把握機會遊歷各地,開拓視野、實現夢想。

  3. 1. The Journey must be departed from Hong Kong. 2. The Insured Person(s) must be aged between 6 weeks and 80 years. 3. The individual application for insurance is required for persons aged 18 or above. 4. The application must be duly signed by a parent or

  4. Extend Period of Insurance (Only applicable to local domestic helper plan) Login / Register Logout 繁 简 En

  5. 中銀集團保險誠意為您呈獻保障周全的「環宇遨翔旅遊保障計劃」,讓您及家人無論出外旅遊、公幹或短期遊學,均可盡情享受寫意自在的愉快旅程。人身意外雙倍賠償高達HKD4,000,000,醫療費用保障高達HKD1,500,000。

  6. If you have any doubt on what should be disclosed in this Proposal Form, please contact Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (named below as “BOCG Insurance”) Hotline (852) 3187 5100 for the interests of the Insured Person. Failure to disclose may mean that the policy will not provide the Insured Person with the coverage required ...

  7. 中銀集團保險誠意為您呈獻保障周全的「環宇遨翔旅遊保障計劃」,讓您及家人無論出外旅遊、公幹或短期遊學,均可盡情享受寫意自在的愉快旅程。人身意外雙倍賠償高達HKD4,000,000,醫療費用保障高達HKD1,500,000。