雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年9月24日 · Tabi shoes are a traditional Japanese footwear, easily identified by their split-toe style and ultra-thin sole, that provide greater grip and control than conventional footwear. Traditionally (and in modern times), they are worn by workmen and rickshaw drivers, as well as during Matsuri festivals.

    • 1-17-1 Kyobashi, Chuo City, Tokyo
    • 11:00-19:00
    • 朴敏英 feet1
    • 朴敏英 feet2
    • 朴敏英 feet3
    • 朴敏英 feet4
    • Michail Gkinis Aoyama
    • Glen Clyde Sock Club Tokyo
    • Yahae Kiyosumi

    Go beyond mere fashion and wrap your feet in art. Michail Gkinis Aoyama, though focused mainly on the brand’s Wearable Art Stoles, has created a line of socks. Michail Gkinis Aoyama, Wearable Art “Tokyo Socks” are an outgrowth of a projection mapping project by artist and designer Michail Gkinis. Gkinis plays with inspirations including light, shad...

    Tokyo's two Glen Clyde Sock Club Tokyo shops stock men's and women's socks by Glen Clyde, a Tokyo-based sock company. Carefully crafted by artisans, the Japanese-made socks, ranging from cute and colorful to office-friendly monotone, are durable and comfortable due to the special attention paid to materials and knitting methods.

    You'll find sustainably produced socks from yahae, the house brand of a long-established Nara Prefecture-based sock company, on the shelves of yahae kiyosumi. Traditional manufacturing methods combine with quality, natural materials such as cotton, yak fiber and alpaca wool to create comfortable men's and women's socks produced without any chemical...

  2. 住在東京都心的奢侈夜晚 東京新大谷飯店位於東京都心,是鄰近皇居的高級飯店。這裡擁有約1500間客房,為便於眺望景觀,多數房間採用從天花板至地板的全景落地窗。此飯店擁有多達37間餐廳與酒吧、SPA等設施,以及商店街、醫療診所、牙科、診療所、郵局等,構成一間複合式設施。

  3. 東京杜莎夫人蠟像館 マダム・タッソー東京. 東京杜莎夫人蠟像館. 東京都港區台場 1-6-1 DECKS Tokyo Beach 海島商場3樓. Updated: December 14, 2023. 從擺設於這座知名展館內的超過70尊蠟像中,尋找您喜愛的名流、運動明星和知名人士,一起擺出姿勢拍照吧。. 蠟像旁無 ...

  4. 2023年11月29日 · 日本橋車站. 近年來日本橋的發展,仍然以江戶時代(1603-1867)就已經是市中心的商業中心形象為主。. 在日本橋附近走一走,將會發現不少從19世紀就開始營業直到現在的老店和高樓大廈並排在一起的景色。. 除此之外,日本橋還是日本銀行和東京證券交易所的 ...

  5. 旅遊指南. 在最先進的體育館觀看各種體育賽事. 可以在5樓的「天空森林」一邊悠閒散步一邊欣賞城市美景. 無論老少或是障礙人群,體育館的無障礙設計便於所有人使用. 體育館使用木長條縱向鋪開並在其上覆以綠植,與周圍的公園非常和諧。. 擁有特殊構造的 ...

  6. 2023年2月20日 · 鄰近銀座與東京站的日本橋完美融合了昔日魅力與超現代建築,這裡於江戶時代(1603~1868年)作為商業中心而繁榮發展,成為縱橫貫通日本的五條主要街道之起點,至今亦仍為日本道路起始原點。其都市計畫也將傳統根基納入考量,相當注重寺廟、橋梁及歷史悠久的百貨公司與現代摩天大樓的相互 ...