雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 經Citi PayAll簡單幾步即可設定每月自動付款,繳付日常經常支出,例如租金、水電煤、帳單等等都得,仲可以賺信用卡積分﹗立即登記Citi PayAll,額外享高達HK$900回贈。

    • 香港九龍觀塘海濱道83號One Bay East, Citi Tower
  2. Citi信用卡「Quick Cash」套現分期計劃 (「此計劃」) 只適用於所指定之Citi信用卡特選主卡客戶(「客戶」)。申請批核視乎客戶於申請期間之賬戶狀況及可用信用限額。 透過Citibank網上理財之申請將即時處理,於網上填妥表格之申請只會在花旗銀行(香港)有限公司(「花旗銀行」)作出核對後進行。

  3. Citibank網上理財 升級版Citibank網上理財為您提供更簡單、更快捷嘅理財體驗,等您有更多時間好好享受生活。 - 全新設計嘅服務選單,令您更輕易搵到您需要嘅銀行服務 - 您可以喺「設定及其他」管理所有賬戶設定同服務,包括個人資料詳情,電子月結單、卡及戶口同投資聲明等

  4. Loan amount of Citi Handy Cash is up to 8 times of your monthly salary or HK$100,000, whichever is lower. Repayment period of Citi Handy Cash is of 6 to 60 months. Application hotline service hours: Monday to Sunday 9:30am – 6:30pm (not applicable to Hong Kong public holiday) Show more.

    • Citi Tower, One Bay East, 83 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
  5. Cash amount up to your credit limit disbursed instantly into your bank account via FPS 3. Cash on your terms. Get it anytime on your smartphone and repay with plans up to 60 months 4. Simple and Hassle-free. No documents required 5 and no hidden fees. Low interest rate. Monthly flat rate as low as 0.16 6*.

  6. Citi PayAll. With Citi PayAll, you can settle daily expenses like rent, utilities and telephone bills and earn credit card points/ rebate with just a few taps! Citi PayAll lets you enjoy better cash flow with up to 58 days pay back period. By setting up recurring payments, you don’t need to worry about late payments again.

  7. Citi信用卡現金透支服務 讓您隨時隨地提取現金. 產品資料概要. 如果您突然需要一筆額外現金以應付突如其來嘅開支點算好?. 只要你有Citi信用卡就可以喺全球 任何Citibank或支援相關發卡機構網絡嘅自動櫃員機即時透支現金,助您輕鬆應急 !. 助你隨時提取現金 ...