雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年6月27日 · Permanent residency in Japan now possible after just one year. Are Japan’s efforts at internationalization succeeding or not? Japanese tourism board hires American expat as professional ninja. Japan has loosened its requirements for obtaining permanent residency to include even more fields of employment.

  2. 2017年12月4日 · Here are the actual requirements to become a citizen of Japan. A person must meet the following conditions: • Having continuously had a domicile in Japan for five years or more; • Being 20 years of age or more and having the capacity to act according to his/her national law; • Being a person of good conduct;

  3. 2019年4月10日 · Moving is equal parts exciting and intimidating, especially in Japan. There are many aspects regarding the hunt for housing—and the culture that surrounds it—that can seem confusing for the uninitiated. Fortunately, we're here to help make finding the perfect place as painless as possible! Read on to learn the ins and outs of moving in.

  4. 禮儀在日本社會以及文化當中都佔據著相當重要的位置。日本人之間的交往大都基於「以心傳心」這個樸素道理。因此,有很多不會白紙黑字說出來的規矩,你需要實際生活一段時間,或者在來日本之前好好了解,體會一下。日本人由於從少就受著這種教育,對本國獨特的禮儀自然不陌生,但身為 ...

  5. 主頁. 深度旅遊. 歷史. 只要搞懂日本的地理關係與行政劃分,就算是路癡也能完成日本自由行! AAJ編輯團隊 2022年7月25日 更新. 日本島嶼 深度日本 日本文化. 暢遊日本不難,但要搞懂日本行政單位的劃分,對旅人來說畢竟有一定的難度,在這樣的基礎上最簡單的分辨原則,便是了解究竟提及的是都道府縣或是市區町村。 舉例來說,大家熟知的仙台屬於市區町村,隸屬都道府縣的宮城縣,縣內還有石卷等特色旅遊景點。 四國、大阪、本州、北海道、仙台,常常你我口中講的日本旅遊地點,可能是分區,或是縣市首都名,若是不把分類搞清楚,可能也無法輕鬆規劃自由行. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVz3g6vOIF0. 還記得十幾年前的日本綜藝節目「校園瘋神榜(学校へ行こう!

  6. 2021年3月12日 · In a move to make the process of changing, extending, and/or renewing a visa status, the Japanese government has announced that from April 2021, foreign residents will be able to complete these processes online through a computer or a smartphone.

  7. 2019年4月4日 · First things first, you need to prove you are legally married in Japan before you start the visa procedure. The following forms should be all you need, but be sure to double check with your embassy, as procedures may differ a bit depending on your nationality. ・Affidavit of Competency to Marry (婚姻要件宣誓書・konin yoken gubi shomeisho)

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