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  1. 2006年3月9日 · International Breastfeeding Journal is a new open access peer-reviewed journal with a multidisciplinary focus. The aim of International Breastfeeding Journal is to contribute to understanding all aspects of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is recognized as an important public health issue with enormous social and economic implications.

    • Lisa H Amir
    • lamir@unimelb.edu.au
    • 2006
    • Descriptions of Breastfeeding in Public
    • Description of The Mothers Feelings
    • Description of The Observers Feelings
    • The Mother’s Actions
    • Covering Up
    • Putting It Away
    • Getting Your Boobs Out
    • Showing Off
    • Locations

    Beliefs around breastfeeding in public

    One of the key elements extracted from the family conversations was the description of breastfeeding as an activity in public. Descriptions of the ‘activity’ illustrated contrasting beliefs amongst the participants around whether breastfeeding should occur in public at all. Comments ranged from ‘yeah I think it’s accepted today… I don’t even give it a second thought when I see someone breastfeeding in public, I think it’s beautiful, I think its fine’ (Fam 9 MGM) to ‘I think the majority of pe...

    Managing her behaviour

    Even when the participants considered that breastfeeding in a public place was ‘acceptable’, there were a number of statements used to describe how the mother should be when feeding in public. These descriptors included being ‘considerate’, ‘discreet’ and ‘safe’. For example, participants made the following comments ‘as long as you’re considerate when you’re breastfeeding it shouldn’t matter’ (Fam 11 Mother), ‘there are always ways women can do it discretely’ (Fam 4 MGM), and ‘you’ve just got...

    Descriptions of the mother’s feelings as well as what others considered the mother felt when breastfeeding in public were evident in the recorded conversations.For the women themselves they described a variety of personal feelings about breastfeeding in public ranging from ‘it’s my right’, ‘not being too concerned’ through to ‘being embarrassed’ an...

    Feelings of others in relation breastfeeding in public ranged from feeling embarrassed to feeling fine but with a proviso that the woman was not exposed. ‘I’m fine, as long as the exposure of it all is not…(Aunt Fam 1), In particular, and seen in earlier excerpts of conversation, was concern regarding men’s feelings when women were breastfeeding in...

    The data revealed a number of actions of both the mother and others in relation to the practice of breastfeeding in public. When the actions of the mother, were collated, what became obvious was that there were both appropriate and inappropriate actions in terms of breastfeeding in public.

    The action of ‘covering up’ was the most common appropriate action identified in the data and was expressed by both women and other participants in the study. For example, I just think I’ll use a muslin wrap for that extra bit of privacy if I am sitting in a public space (Mother Fam 2)’; ‘I covered myself’ (PGM Fam 11) and ‘You have to cover yourse...

    A key concept deemed as an appropriate action for the mother, was ‘putting your boob away’ (Fam 11). Putting the boob away could negate the need to breastfeed in public. Actions that supported putting the boob away included timing the feed, expressing milk, and giving a dummy.

    Contrasting with putting your boobs away and reinforcing the sense that a woman needs to be discrete and cover her breasts when breastfeeding in public, were comments that highlighted it was ‘inappropriate’ to just get your boobs out. This next excerpt highlights the need to be discrete and again emphasises the woman’s responsibility for others com...

    Not only was there concern that a woman would be exposing herself if she breastfed in public, there was a sense that breastfeeding in public could also be seen as a form of exhibitionism. The accusation that a woman was showing off, appeared to occur if she was not suitably discrete or was seen breastfeeding in an inappropriate location. Later the ...

    Another key feature that was found in the data was that location played a significant role in breastfeeding in public. There were both subtle and overt comments within the conversations that identified there were both appropriate and inappropriate locations for breastfeeding to occur. For example, in the following quote while the woman advocates th...

    • Athena Sheehan, Karleen D Gribble, Virginia Schmied
    • 2019
  2. 2023年4月15日 · Improved breastfeeding practices have the potential to save the lives of over 823,000 children under 5 years old globally every year. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a global campaign by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund, which promotes best practice to support breastfeeding in ...

  3. 2011年6月15日 · Clinicians, public health advisors, nutritionists and others have been attempting to increase breastfeeding rates for the last few decades, with varying degrees of success. We need social science researchers to help us understand the role of infant feeding in the family.

  4. 2020年2月24日 · The latest national survey in China reported the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months to be 20.8%, and the breastfeeding rate dropped to 11.5% at 1 year and 6.9% at 2 years [ 2 ]. These breastfeeding rates fall short of the targets recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) [ 3, 4 ].

  5. 2012年10月25日 · In Australia, a country with similar health status and level of economic development to Japan, the rate of Exclusive Breastfeeding at one month postpartum was 55.8% [ 47 ], higher than Japan at 42.4%. Different definitions of breastfeeding practices were also used in Australia and Japan.

  6. 2017年5月8日 · In this study, we explore the experiences of mothers and the perceptions of public health nurses (PHNs) about breastfeeding late preterm infants in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Methods. We used an exploratory mixed methods design with a convenience sample of 122 mothers to gather quantitative data about breastfeeding.

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  2. 1995年創辦,羅振邦博士授課,曾先後替港交所、香港及國內大學、銀行、股票行等教授投資課程。 只要你肯學,我們便用心的教,有理論有實戰知識,學習尋找追揸沽的時機,增強投資技巧必修。

  3. I feel like it's more of an experience than a performance piece of art. I feel like it's more of an experience than a performative dance.

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