雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. TSANG Yu Shan, Violet - Cheng & Cheng Limited. Violet is Senior Tax Manager of the Firm. Upon graduation from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, she started her career in taxation services. She has experience of over 10 years and her client portfolio covers listed corporations, multinational enterprises and local firms.

  2. Cheng & Cheng Limited is a professional Hong Kong based accounting firm. With many years experience in the financial sector, Cheng & Cheng Limited and its group companies aim to provide the best personal service we can to our valued customers.

  3. Following the rapid growth of cross-border transactions and aggressive transparency and co-operation requirements laid down by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Hong Kong has been updating its tax legislation to meet the international standards, including transfer pricing (TP) regulatory regime in 2018, as well a...

  4. 郭兆文 黎剎騎士. 首席常務顧問 [漢能秘書服務有限公司] 顧問委員會委員 [鄭鄭風險管理諮詢服務有限公司] 公司秘書. 內部控制. 企業風險管理. 更多資料.

  5. 陳碩智先生簡歷. 陳碩智先生於二零零四年加入本公司。. 在此之前,他曾於一九九六年在本公司以實習生身份工作兩個月。. 他於二零一二年一月成為本公司董事之一。. 陳先生曾在英國留學,並在一九九九年於英國劍橋大學畢業。. 畢業回港後,他受聘於畢馬威 ...

  6. 由鄭鄭會計師事務所有限公司及其集團其他各公司所提供的各項專業服務,可參考以下的圖表及後頁的詳細介紹:

  7. 審計服務. 根據香港公司條例 (第六百二十二章),在香港註冊成立的有限公司每年均需要委任一位獨立的執業會計師為其審核該年度的賬目。. 此外,香港稅務條例 (第一百一十二章)更規定所有在香港註冊的有限公司要在其呈交的利得稅申報表中附上其核數師 ...