雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 不論季節,陸奧灣最適合帶小孩一同前往的絕對就是距離溫泉飯店、車站都不遠的「淺水族館」。結束如詩如幻的湯之島美景後,從飯店步行過來約10分鐘,而後有如實際潛入位於津輕半島和下北半島中間的陸奧灣,綿延15公尺長的海底隧道,真實重現灣流營養豐富下人工養殖帆立貝的過程,親眼 ...

  2. 擁有1,200餘年歷史的淺溫泉,被喻為青森最清幽的溫泉街,至今仍保有渡假風格的飯店與古老優美的溫泉街風情,幾乎每天都舉辦有能免費聆聽的津輕三味線演奏會。淺溫泉位於青森市的郊外,由於附近泡湯景點眾多且密集,幾乎所有的青森縣民與東北地區出身的人都知道淺溫泉,即便來到淺 ...

  3. 溫泉鄉有11間溫泉旅館,. 為了讓來此的旅客可在各旅館內盡情享受泡湯樂趣,. 推出了「麻蒸湯札」,就是類似乳頭溫泉鄉也有的泡湯券,. 1500 日元可選擇3間、1000日元可選擇2間泡湯,. 不論是一日遊或在這住一晚的旅客來說,這個湯札都相當划算。. ※麻 ...

  4. 2016年3月31日 · The Birds & the Bees of Sakura Trees. Flo Updated March 31, 2016. Cherry Blossoms. As the cherry tree buds unravel upon first bloom, honeybees visit the delicate flowers for sweet nectar and provide pollination services. The impressive floral spectacle is short-lived, as the petals perform their descending dance to the ground after only a week ...

  5. 2017年10月16日 · Why Japanese People are Obsessed with Sakura. As the Sakura Kaika Zensen (さくら開花前線), or "Cherry Blossom Blooming Front" begins its sweep from south to north across the country, Japanese people get ready for the hanami (花見) season, a time to drink and party under the cherry blossoms. This isn't just an excuse to get drunk in a ...

  6. 絶景の宿 浅虫さくら観光ホテル. 地址:. 青森県青森市浅虫字坂本51-1. 電話:. 017-752-3355 (7:00-22:00). ※本文受All About Japan邀請,擔任東北旅遊大使造訪日本東北、推廣東北地方的美,所有行程安排、交通住宿皆由本人親自規畫。. 1. 2. 即使是不止一次来到青森 ...

  7. 2019年4月15日 · Cherry Blossoms Fukuoka Kyushu. soranews24.com. The cherry blossom is, by far, Japan’s favorite flower, and with good reason. The pink petals of the sakura arrive as winter finally begins to fade, captivating the entire country with their beauty. But they aren’t the only beautiful flowers in Japan, as photographer and Japanese Twitter user ...

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