雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年8月13日 · One of Tokyo's most unusual buildings is located in the Jingumae area of Shibuya. The asymmetric, urban design seems to laugh in the face of physics, and is reminiscent of a giant crystal of ice. Hence its nickname, "The Iceberg."

  2. 從廣場沿著地上的紅地塔走就會看到這世界最大規模的水晶燈這水晶燈現場看比想像中還要大高5公尺寬3公尺總共250盞燈有種奢華感如果是晚上夜色更暗的時候一定更有感覺。. 來到惠比壽花園廣場,還有一個免費的景點千萬不要錯過,那就是惠 ...

  3. 擁有70樓層,高相當於296公尺的橫濱地標塔,是日本第2高的大樓,從橫濱市中心抬頭就能看見,不僅是在橫濱未來港,在橫濱市內這座地標塔也可以稱得上是最具代表性的醒目建築了,因此也自然深深吸引著每一位遊客,想來這裡一探究竟。 這棟大樓從地下2樓到地上5樓為具有逛街購物品嘗美食的購物中心,49樓到70樓為橫濱皇家公園酒店,其中69樓為展望頂層空中花園,其他樓層則為各大企業的辦公室,堪稱是橫濱最有魅力的指標景點之一。 官網: http://www.yokohama-landmark.jp/web/chinese_02/ 橫濱山手地區. 當初橫濱開港時由於將山手地區被開闢為外國人的居住地,因此至今在橫濱的街道上仍遺留有大量西洋式建築。

  4. 同時每年都令人期待全世界最大級的水晶吊燈今年當然也不缺席繼續在聖誕期間綻放光彩此外期間中也將展開聖誕市集以及期間限定的香檳酒吧。 燈飾日期:2019年11月2日~2020年2月24日 點燈時間:16:00-24:00

  5. 2018年1月17日 · 6. Hachioji Castle (Western Tokyo) Hachioji Castle was built in the late 1570s, transforming virtually all of Mount Fukazawa into an impregnable fortress. Even today, the mountain is better known as Shiroyama: Castle Mountain. The Hojo were the most most powerful clan in the Kanto region in the late 16th century.

  6. 2017年10月3日 · For the most part, Kashima Shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture looks like any one of hundreds of other Japanese shrines. Founded over 1,300 years ago, the architecture of the shrine looks pretty typical for a place of Shinto worship. However, if you make your way back past the rear shrine buildings, you’ll find a scene of ethereal beauty.

  7. 2019年5月31日 · UNESCO listed the sites as World Heritage in 1999. The sites are Futarasan Shrine, Tosho-gu Shrine (where shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu is enshrined) and Rinno-ji Temple. The Nikko area is famous in Japan for its beautiful natural landscapes as well, which provide serene scenery to its famous sites. - www.jnto.go.jp.