雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 「中銀理財」提供家庭保障及家庭理財方案,涵蓋各類保險、家庭證券及基金投資規劃,全面整合及管理家庭財富,守護中老少。1 優惠適用於「孩子天」儲蓄賬戶(11歲以下兒童)及「自在理財」客戶(11-17歲客戶)。 合資格客戶符合指定條件可享指定1個月存款期,首港幣100,000元或以下高達3%港元活期 ...

  2. 陪伴您子女成長 為人父母,總是在子女成長路上,陪伴他們經歷不少第一次。是時候開始教育子女儲蓄,以及自主運用自己賬戶,陪伴他們經歷第一次自主理財。子女只需年滿11歲,即可選用「自在理財」服務,讓您子女擁有屬於自己賬戶及提款卡,從小培育儲蓄習慣,學習管理開支 ...

  3. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  4. Kiddie Sky Savings Account. To cultivate the savings habit for your children, start from now! The colourful design of the Kiddie Sky passbook can arouse your children's interest in savings. Applicable for children who are below the age of 11. The above product, services and offers are subject to the relevant terms.

  5. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  6. Financial Institutions Online (FI Online) At BOCHK, we understand the need to act fast in a changing financial market. By combining the strength of advanced technology and secure internet security applications, the BOCHK FI Online enables financial institutions to manage their BOCHK accounts online any time beyond geographical boundaries.

  7. 農曆新年一向是父母培養子女建立良好儲蓄及理財習慣契機,中國銀行(香港)(「中銀香港」)今年特別聯乘知名品牌Miffy 推出「 中銀理財」「兔年喜氣家庭賞」1 親理財優惠, 協助家長及早替子女未來作出規劃。 中銀香港個人金融及財富管理部助理總經理溫晞文表示:「在春節期間,家長可為11 歲或以下子女開立『 孩子天』2兒童儲蓄賬戶,將利是錢存入戶口,助其養成儲蓄習慣,踏出理財第一步。 過往三年, 本行約四成『 孩子天』2兒童儲蓄賬戶均是在新春期間開立;而為子女開立兒童儲蓄賬戶家長中,接近三成為『 中銀理財』 客戶。 有見及此,本行今年聯乘知名品牌 Miffy 推出『中銀理財』『 兔年喜氣家庭賞』, 藉此鼓勵父母為子女理財需要作好準備。

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