雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 能夠預測強震發生的時刻與震度,並在強震開始前盡可能地在第一時間告知群眾。. 緊急地震快報可透過電視、收音機廣播、手機、智慧型手機等,播放專用的警告鈴給予通知。. 一旦接收到緊急地震快報,即使沒有感覺到搖晃,也應配合周圍狀況鎮靜地前往避 ...

  2. 可能會發生海嘯。. 有時海嘯會沿著河岸來襲。. 海嘯會反復來襲。. 在警報解除之前不可接近水邊。. 觀察周圍人群的行動,到高臺或海嘯避難大樓中避難。. 注意餘震和二次災害,返回住宿場所。. 本網站提供各種資訊,協助保障訪日外國人旅客的旅途安全。.

  3. When tremor has stopped. If you are stuck inside, make contact with the outside by pressing the "Emergency Call Button". After being rescued, follow staff instructions. Call Button. Disaster prevention stockpiles may be stored inside the elevator. Calmly wait for rescue.

  4. Emergencies during daily life. When an earthquake. occurs. I am outside/inside a vehicle.

  5. 保护头部,藏身在结实的桌子等下方。. 晃动停止后. 打开房门,确保出入口。. 依照住宿处的指示行动。. 有时候室内反而更为安全。. 请不要慌慌张张地奔向屋外。. 平时请确认好安全出口的位置。. 本网站面向来访日本的外国游客,提供帮助他们安全旅行的 ...

  6. When an earthquakeoccurs. Earthquake has occurred. First, secure your safety.

  7. When an earthquakeoccurs. Inside an underground space. Stay calm, protect your head, and wait for tremor to stop. If there are no fire risks, undergrounds are relatively safe.