雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 梁子庚藝 YÌ 餐厅以围绕中国盘古开天地的神话故事为灵感,采用中性泥土材料和诸如石头、木材的色调笼罩主餐厅,将其变为“地球”的倒影,而定制的天花板细节则参照“天空”元素。食客走进坐超过60 人的餐厅主厅时,一切都相互辉映。

  2. Flambeed Salt-baked South African 10-head Abalone in Lotus Leaf with Japanese Kombu Sauce & Trio of Colourful Turnips

  3. 我们的厨务顾问 JEREME LEUNG 新加坡主厨梁子庚 13 岁在香港的厨房里从底层做起,开启其烹饪生涯。在他的职业生涯中,他娴熟掌握了中国烹饪的四大基石,即点心、叉烧、炒菜和刀工。他继续在东南亚某些最著名的酒店磨练手艺,这引领他于 20 世纪 90 年代 ...

  4. Specially curated to present lost masterpieces to ancient Chinese provincial dishes, 藝 yì by Jereme Leung does not look to present one specific style of Chinese cuisine. Instead, Jereme showcases an array of Chinese cuisines with a modern touch, such as the eye-catching Hundred-ring Cucumber with Sea Whelk – a classic dish found in China ...

  5. Google Analytics. Google Analytics allows user tracking to enhance the website performance and experience. 24 hours. VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE. YouTube. Users bandwidth estimation for video-playback on pages with YouTube videos. 6 months. _gat_UA-59774194-3. Google Analytics.

  6. 2021年9月17日 · JEREME LEUNG. Singaporean Chef Jereme Leung began his culinary career at the age of 13, starting from the ground up in kitchens of Hong Kong. Throughout his career, he has mastered all four cornerstones of Chinese cooking ranging from dim-sum, Chinese barbecue, wok-cooking to knife work.

  7. 未经明确授权,所有其他使用 www.yi-restaurant.com.sg 或其元素的行为都将被视为侵犯藝 YÌ 和/或雅高酒店集团的权利,根据《法国知识产权法》第 L.355-2 条等条款以假冒罪对此类行为提起诉讼。. 藝 YÌ 作为数据库制作方的权利. 所有客户、顾客、潜在客户和合作 ...