雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年5月17日 · ©PIXTA. 而現在踏上四國遍路,除了真正僧侶,也包含許多一般民眾,他們或許想要體驗雙腳走四國,或許是為尋求心靈平靜與啟發,抱持著各種想法,遍路上總有著許多找尋自己人們。 延伸閱讀. 【日本愛媛】以千年古剎「石手寺」為修行起點體驗四國遍路. 日本四國魅力其二:遺世獨立. 日本三大秘境之一德島「祖谷溪」與祖谷蔓橋。 ©PIXTA. 四國與日本本島並不相連,隔著一片海洋地理位置讓其受本州影響較晚,且整座四國島嶼被山脈分割,四縣互相聯絡不易,因此形成獨有風情,險峻高山溪谷是難得絕景,峻嶺中村落更成為遺世獨立仙境, 日本三大秘境 之一「 祖谷溪 」便位於德島縣。 日本四國魅力其三:新嘗試. 瀨戶內國際藝術祭作品之一。

  2. 2015年1月7日 · Well known for its fall foliage, Daigo-ji is a Shingon Buddhist temple founded in the early Heian Period (794-1185). These wonderful pictures appeared on Twitter in early January 2015, showing a side of the temple that doesn’t make an appearance very often. Since snow is so rare in the Kyoto area, you can’t plan your next picture-taking ...

  3. 2016年9月15日 · Historical Checkpoint. The town was not just meant for passing daimyo and their retainers to warm their bones and stop by for a pleasant meal, though: Hakone was also a security checkpoint. To be certain that armed rebellion would not foment in the capital, and that the daimyo would remain loyal (as their families were, in effect, being ...

  4. 2016年5月2日 · 札幌拉面,中华面文化变种. 冰上知床,在北方寒夜里大雪纷飞世界遗产. 日本历史上三大将军——织田信长、丰臣秀吉、德川家康,可以说在不仅在日本家喻户晓,世界上很多其他国家人也对他们很感兴趣。. 这三位将军在很多日本古城池生活征战 ...

  5. 2019年4月26日 · 从鹤冈八幡宫笔直延伸出若宫大路西侧,是一条南北走向道路【小町街】。 这里从纳豆、火腿等地方特产食品店到镰仓雕刻等工艺品店,从老字号餐馆到洋气咖啡馆…可以说是应有尽有。 道路两侧以及小街深处,200多家饮食店和商店鳞次栉比,吸引着大量观光客来这里享受美食、体验购物 ...

  6. 2017年2月21日 · Astro Boy Meets the Rinpa School of Painting. This is what happens when you combine centuries-old traditional Japanese painting with modern anime, and we love it! If you’re interested in traditional Japanese art, you may be familiar with the Rinpa school of painting, which has a history that can be traced all the way back to the 17th century.

  7. 2016年7月13日 · Administered as part of the city of Tokyo but located some 150 kilometers (93 miles) to the southeast, at the summit of Kozushima's Mount Chichibu stands a temple with an 11-faced Kannon and 34 stone images representing each of the Chichibu pilgrimage temples. Here, climbers can symbolically visit each of the temples in a single act.

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