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  1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 圖片只供參考. Citi積分兌換至Club積分服務常見問題. Expand all sections. 什麼是Citi積分兌換至Club積分服務? Citi積分兌換至Club積分服務是一個讓你可於The Club官方網站或手機應用程式 (「網上平台」)將Citi積分兌換至Club積分的服務。 本服務僅適用於花旗銀行 (香港)有限公司發行的Citi普通卡、Citi金卡、Citi Rewards信用卡 (Citi Rewards銀聯信用卡除外) 、 Citi PremierMiles信用卡、Citi Plus信用卡、Citi Prestige信用卡或Citi ULTIMA信用卡 (「指定信用卡」) 之主卡客戶 (「客戶」)。 如何進入The Club網上平台使用該服務?

  2. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...

  3. 1 Citi積分 = 1 The Point積分. 推廣期內每月累積將Citi積分兌換至The Point積分滿指定積分,可激享額外The Point積分5,6! 備註: The Point積分價值是根據The Point積分兌換率 (即每250 The Point積分 = HK$1元)計算。 相關兌換率會不時更改,而恕不另行通知,商戶將有全權決定權。 優惠名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。 與優惠相關之The Point積分將於推廣期內每個曆月結束後的4至6星期內由商戶自動存入合資格客戶的The Point賬戶。 禮遇3: 賺10% The Point積分回贈. Citi積分換埋賺埋嘅The Point積分,點用最精明?

  4. 由淺入深level up您嘅理財知識,等您更有信心入市投資. 投資達人設計一系列「易入口」投資貼士,從零開始,幫您幾分鐘學識專業理財Concept. 測驗幫您溫故知新. 完成挑戰,由銅、銀、金、白金級慢慢升上鑽石級,一路升呢掌握理財心得,知自己程度 ...

  5. 使用Citi Plus信用卡網上簽賬及健身會籍賺3X積分,並且積分不設兌換限期,而且無需年費。. 憑Citi Plus信用卡,生活Level up獎賞更+多。.

  6. 成功出張Citi信用卡即可享受豐富迎新優惠!. 即日起至2024年6月3日,新客戶 1 透過此網頁申請 2 以下Citi信用卡並憑卡累積認可簽賬滿 HK$8,0003 ,. 獨家賞您限時迎新獎賞 — HK$1,600現金回贈** !. 早出卡早享受,仲唔立即行動?. 1. 迎新獎賞不適用於現在持有任何由 ...

  7. For claims enquiry, please call Zurich's Customer Services Hotline at (852) 2903 9482. Citibank and its Insurance Underwriter reserve the right to make the final decision on all claims. With Citi Plus Credit card, enjoy 3x points that never expire on online spending with no annual fee. Level up your life and reap the rewards with Citi plus ...

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