雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在世界各地廣獲好評的日本手工精釀啤酒COEDO,曾在有啤酒世界盃之稱的World Beer Cup中榮獲銀獎,除了出口外銷至美國、澳洲和歐洲等外國地區,現在在香港也獨領風潮的擁有該品牌的精釀啤酒吧「COEDO Taproom」,店內裝飾著營造夏季祭典氣息的

  2. 日式炸豬排是日本人遇到考試或是要一決勝負時,一定會去吃的經典中的經典料理。 日文炸豬排的發音「カツ丼」和勝利的發音「カツ (katsu)」一樣,真是超級運的美食,如果能贏的話誰想輸呢 (笑)! 不知道大家有沒有印象,在日劇半澤直樹中,主角為了要順利和國稅局的人決勝負從東田社長手中追討回5億,在劇中也自己一個人去吃了炸豬排蓋飯,也傳遞出他必勝的決心。 也因為炸豬排飯給日本人的正面印象太強烈,派駐台灣的我們,遇到要拿大案子時也常常去日式炸豬排店報到呢! 討喜且象徵好運的日本梅干. 梅干在日本料理中是非常常見的食材,不管是便當或飯糰,都可以見到她粉嫩的身影。 酸到常常讓人吃一口後臉會皺成一團的梅干,除了有她淡雅吸引人的魅力之外,還有去毒防腐等等的功效,是對健康非常有益處的一樣食材。

  3. 2018年4月22日 · Choosing where to go in Japan can be a daunting task. There's so much to see, do, eat and enjoy that it can be a bit overwhelming! Thankfully, TripAdvisor can help us track down the best cities, towns and villages to visit to help newcomers narrow down their search. Let's dive in! 10. Hakuba-mura (Nagano)

  4. 2018年9月25日 · Japanese football fans made headlines at the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia by simply picking up their litter after matches—even when they were knocked out by Belgium. Plus, the lightning fast Japanese bullet trains (shinkansen)— which can reach speeds of 320km/h (199mph), 30% faster than trains in Britain—are the envy of the world.

  5. 2018年10月17日 · Autumn is one of the best times to enjoy Japan's natural beauty, as the verdure of summer gives way to the vibrant yellows and reds of fall. Check out our 2018 Autumn Foliage Forecast to plan the perfect place and time to make the most of this colorful season.

  6. 2017年10月18日 · It was a shining moment in Japanese engineering to achieve such a stellar victory in the first ever giant robot fight, but Megabots were far from finished. The second match, held right after, was to be Kuratas against Megabots’ Eagle Prime (Mark III), weighing in at

  7. 2018年2月13日 · Starbucks revealed all the details for the new 2018 collection, including some interesting surprises that will have customers lining up at branches around the country from next week for a taste. First up is the Sakura Strawberry Pink Mochi Frappuccino (¥580 [US$5.29]), which pairs cherry blossoms with strawberries for a refreshing ...

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