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  1. 3D Lab Store3D Printer3D打印材料的香港網上購買平台,有售賣各種不同類型的高質素3D Printer3D打印材料。 3D Lab Store的專業人員會根據客人的需求推薦最合適的3D Printer3D打印材料 。 3D 打印機 | 3D掃描器 | 3D打印物料 | 其他產品. 3D Printer在香港越來越普及,而採用FDM技術的3D打印機最為流行,很多中小企及學術機構已經使用。 3D Lab Store針對不同用戶提供了不同種類的FDM 3D Printers ,當中包括單噴頭3D Printer, 雙噴頭3D Printer,及多合一3D Printer,迎合各種不同3D print 的需求。 人氣產品.

  2. 3D Lab Store is a 3D printer specialty online store, selling different types of 3D printers and filaments. 3D printers include DLP 3D printer and single/ dual extruder 3D printers, while filaments include PLA, PVA, Wood, ABS etc. 3D Printers| 3D Scanners| 3D Printing Materials | Other Products.

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  4. 3D打印機香港 | 3DLabstore. 針對香港客戶不同需求的3D打印機. 3D Lab Store提供了好幾款針對香港客戶不同需求及預算的高質素3D打印機,我們現時供選購包括有以FFF 3D打印技術的 雙色雙噴頭3D打印機 及 單色單噴頭3D打印機 ,以及DLP 打印技術的 光固化3D打印機 。 無論你是設計師,工程師,3D打印愛好者或一般用家,又或在辦公室,學校或家中進行3D打印,在3D Lab Store中肯定有一款3D打印機適合你的需求。 如對這些3D打印機有任何疑問,歡迎向我們 查詢 。 單噴頭系列. Flashforge Adventurer 5M Pro 高速3D打印機. $ 4,980.00 – $ 7,980.00 特價. 選擇規格.

  5. Beets Limited, one of the most popular 3D Printing platform in Hong Kong, brings the world's best 3D printers and 3D printing materials to fit different customers' needs on 3D printing and STEM products. We also offer best in class support, training workshops and 3D design/printing service.

    • 2 Hong Man Street
    • 25.6M
  6. 3D Lab Store provides different types of high quality 3D printers that meet different customers’ needs, including dual extruder 3D printers and single extruder 3D printers, and DLP /LCD/SLA 3D printer. 3D printers are now easily to be operated. With easy-to-use 3D printers, you can use the user-friendly 3D printing software to prepare 3D ...

  7. 3DMart HK provides a complete range of 3D printing and digital manufacturing equipment: 3d printers, 3d scanners, laser cutters, CNC machines, etc.. Including 3D printing services and 3D scanning services. 3DMart is the official agent of high-quality rapid prototyping equipment in Hong Kong!

  8. 三帝瑪(3DMART)是完整專業的3D列印整合平台經銷世界知名品牌之3D列印機3D掃描器3D列印材料3D列印樹脂和各式3D列印零件/配件並提供3D代印3D掃描及3D製圖等服務完善的諮詢系統讓您享有最好的3D列印體驗

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