雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The first of these is England, shown here in red. England is often confused with the United Kingdom as a whole, because it's the largest and most populous of the nations and contains the de facto capital city, London. 首先是「英格蘭」,這裡用紅色表示。. 「英格蘭」通常被誤認是整個「聯合王國」,因為它是最 ...

  2. Hi, guys! It's me. Um, I'm here in sunny London—that's British sarcasm there. It's extremely cold today. Um, but I wanted to talk to you about some of the common British expressions that I hear and use more or less every day. So, let's get started! 嗨,大家!是我。. 嗯,我人在晴空萬里的倫敦--那是英式嘲諷。. 今天 ...

  3. 2012年4月15日 · Hi, everybody. This is Misterduncan in England. How are you today? Are you ok? I hope so! Are you happy? I hope so! In this lesson, we’ll take a look at the two sides or faces of how we can feel emotionally and the way these feelings affect both ourselves and the people around us. In today’s lesson, we’ll look at being happy and feeling sad. 嗨,大家好。這裡是英國的鄧肯 ...

  4. 2014年9月26日 · 了解詳情. 片尾有. 攻其不背. 的品牌故事. 00: 00 / 05: 15. 蘇格蘭將於九月十八日進行獨立公投,若公投通過,蘇格蘭將脫離英國,成為獨立的國家。 自 1707 年蘇格蘭和英國合併以來,獨立聲浪就不曾中段。 在這次世紀公投前舉行前,先來認識一下大不列顛群島中,各地區和英國之間錯綜複雜的關係。 U.K.、EnglandBritain 在中文通常清一色被解讀成「英國」,但三者所涵蓋的地區卻大不相同。U.K. 為 United Kingdom 聯合王國,全稱為 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland。 包含北愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾斯、還有 England 英格蘭。

  5. 2015年3月13日 · This place, the British Museum, is the showcase for those extraordinary treasures. 在大英帝國的巔峰,在英國國旗飄揚於地球四分之一土地上時,英國收集藝術和工藝品的速度就和它收集殖民地一樣快。. 這個地方,大英博物館,是那些出色寶物的展示處。. Its centerpiece is the Great ...

  6. 2018年5月14日 · Hello and welcome back to English with Lucy. Today we have another episode of my fabulous "Five Common British Expressions." Now, before we get started, make sure you connect with me on all my social media, which is right here. And I've got my Instagram account. Obviously, you can subscribe to my YouTube. You can also like me on Facebook. And for my Chinese followers, um, I have my Weibo ...

  7. 2016年10月19日 · 英國倫敦. London is situated in the southeast of England, in the Thames Valley. Home to over eight million people, the capital of the UK has been an important financial, educational, and cultural center for hundreds of years. Of the many gifts England has given to the world, none has been greater than her language and literature.

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