雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 影印紙/打印專用紙. 請選擇你的產品或墨水瓶/墨水/色帶/轉印薄膜. 搜尋產品 : 搜尋墨水/色帶/轉印薄膜: 價格、規格、供貨情況及使用條款如有更改,恕不另行通知。 產品/服務可能由第三方製造商/供應商製造及/或提供予我們用於分銷/轉售 (非佳能品牌之產品/服務)。 以上價格為港幣建議零售價,如有更改,恕不另行通知。 打印耗材.

  2. 比較超過495 Canon打印器材消耗品 的價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障.

  3. PGI-2700 series Ink Tank. PG-745XL Twin Pack. PG-745 Black Ink Cartridge with Print Head. CL-746 Color Ink Cartridge with Print Head. CLI-771 Ink Tank.

  4. Canon PIXMA TS5370 墨盒 Ink Cartridge. 正常產量: Canon PG-760 Black , Canon CL-761. 大容量: Canon PG-760XL Black , Canon CL-761XL. 價錢包運費!

  5. Wellent偉倫售賣各大品牌的原裝正版噴墨打印機消耗品油墨墨盒,包括有HP,Canon,Epson,Brother Printer墨水。 助你比較價格、性能,找到心儀產品。 價錢實惠,款式型號齊備,保證全部香港原廠行貨,提供門市取貨或送貨上門服務。

  6. 【🟨Canon官方授權合作夥伴Authorized Dealer🟨】 ️購買/查詢前😊請先註明Price.com客戶,按訂購方可獲此特價 ️ 📞28110044/ Wtaps:51179738

  7. Canon PIXMA MG3670 墨盒 Ink Cartridge. 在365PRINT 購買 Canon PIXMA MG3670 代用墨盒, 買多,平多. 可靠高質量代用碳粉! 本港免費送貨凡購買滿$100! 1年保養! 係365PRINT購物既簡單快捷,又有信心保證!

  8. Method 1: Order new toner cartridges through Consumable Express and we will collect the used toner cartridges when delivering your order. Method 2: Return to our collection point at Canon Image Square – Mongkok. Number of used toner cartridges returnable: Unlimited. Method 3: Call our hotline at 3191-2333* to arrange free pickup.

  9. Since 2009, Canon Hong Kong has launched the “Ink Cartridge Recycling Program” and invited the famous cartoon character “McDull” as the program’s ambassador. Currently, Canon Hong Kong has placed over 280 recycling boxes for collecting empty ink cartridges.

  10. Compatible toners and ink cartridges have free shipping with purchases over $100. Please read here for more details. Delivery Service To Office / Factory Buildings In Business Areas

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