雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Sunday Times 英國私立學校排名 140 th Sunday Times 英國私立學校高考A-levels排名 154 th Sunday Times 英國私立學校會考GCSE排名 138 th IB 課程平均分 37

  2. 2017年2月27日 · 有蘇格蘭Eton之稱的Fettes College並非浪得虛名,自1870以來培育了不少世界知名的政治家、經濟學家、企業家等等,包括2015年諾貝爾經濟獎得主及前英國首相貝理雅。 優秀的成績加上充滿氣派的校園建築,確實不難理解這間傳統寄宿學校如此受歡迎。 前英國首相貝理雅. Fettes College是蘇格蘭的老牌貴族男女校。 該校於1870年成立,直至1970年才開始招收女生,逐漸由傳統男校轉型成為男女校。 學校接近八成學生為英國本地人,過半數為蘇格蘭人。 而國際生則只有百分之十,比例較少。 Fettes College有147年歷史。 Fettes校園佔地90英畝,位處愛丁堡中心。 Fettes的主教學大樓設計融合了法國哥德式古堡與十九世紀蘇格蘭城堡的建築元素。

    • The School
    • Admission
    • Boarding Houses
    • GCSE Subjects
    • Gce Al Subject Choice
    • Ib Diploma Program
    • 2012/13 Boarding Fees#
    Fettes College follows the English rather than Scottish education system. Pupils take GCSEs rather than Scottish Standard Grades and students now have the choice between the A Levels and the new In...
    Fettes is an IB World School, one of only three schools in Scotland to have attained this status.
    Fettes College is a leading co-educational boarding and day school for children aged 7-18. Uniquely situated in extensive grounds and woodland close to the heart of Edinburgh, the school enjoys a r...
    A LEVEL (2012): 16% of all grades were A*, 48% of all grades were A* or A, 76% of all grades were A* A or B.

    Please contact the Admission Office directly by email, by post or visit the School website for latest information.

    Fettes Prep as one big family so for a boarder, Fettes Prep becomes their other family home.
    Two houses: Arran for the boys and Iona for the girls. The spaces themselves are high quality dorms (sharing 4 to 6) with other rooms for playing games, reading or simply relaxing.
    The position of Housemaster and Housemistress is taken very seriously, as is the supporting role provided by the house tutors and, of course, matron.
    Staffs have regular communications with every parent to keep them updated and informed and as every boarder here has their own e-mail address.

    Core Subjects at GCSE: Classics, Criticial Thinking, Design & Technology, Drama, Economics, English, Geography, History, ICT, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music, Physical Education, Religion and...

    Classics, Criticial Thinking, Design & Technology, Drama, Economics, English, Geography, History, ICT, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music, Physical Education, Religion and Theology, Science

    Fettes College is one of the UK’s pre-eminent coeducational boarding schools with the hopes and aspirations of each of the students of central importance. Fettes provide a broad based education tha...
    The happy, purposeful environment of the College encourages the boys and girls to u001f ourish and develop fully the skills and interests that they possess whatever they may be.
    The quality of teaching at Fettes is outstanding and Fettes continues to be the leading academic school in Scotland with excellent results at GCSE, A Level and IB
    Students gain entry to the top Scottish and English universities and up to 15 students a year to Oxford and Cambridge.

    Remark: #Inclusive of tuition fees but exclusive of miscellaneous fees, such as uniform, extracurricular activities

    • 1870
    • Fettes College
    • Church of England
  3. www.britannia-study.com › school › fettes-collegeFettes College - 英識教育

    Scotland. 學校人數. 808. 住宿比例. 53.86% 基本資料及地理位置. Fettes College 是位於蘇格蘭愛丁堡中心地區的男女私校,佔地 90 畝,校園環境優美,距離最近的機場為愛丁堡機場。 學校於 1870 年成立,大多學生都是孤兒或來自貧困家庭。 由 1981 年起,學校全面轉為男女校,並從全球各地招生。 Fettes College 在2009年的 Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education 報告中,獲評為蘇格蘭內的當地的主導學校,在五個主要評核範籌中,四個獲得最高級別的「優良」,另一個則得到「良好」評價。

  4. Edinburgh. 總學生人數. 765. 最低寄宿年級. Year 7. 寄宿學生人數. 412. 國際學生人數. 353. 寄宿學生比例. 53.90% GCSE (9-7) 74% A-Level (A*-A%) 49% Fettes College 好唔好? 1870年創校。 學校以蘇格蘭傳奇慈善家 William Fettes 命名,他遺贈了遺產用於建立該校,為窮困兒童及孤兒提供教育。 時至今日,學校也持續透過基金會的獎學金計劃贊助當地有需要的學童。 作為英國上流社會中「名校中的名校」,學校重視全能發展,擅於培育精。 在過去一個半世紀中,校友在全球各地取得非凡成就,貢獻社會,當中最有名的就是英國前首相貝理雅(Tony Blair)。 Fettes College 簡介.

  5. 费蒂斯公学 (英語: Fettes College )是苏格兰 爱丁堡 的一所私立男女同校的 独立学校 ,其三分之二的学生在校园里寄宿。 该校原本是一个男子 寄宿学校 ,1983年改为男女同校。 1978年学院有一个9洞高尔夫球场, [1] 一个溜冰场,在冬季用于冰球,在夏季作为一个室外游泳池,一个越野跑道和一个300英亩的步枪射击场。 [2] 费蒂斯有时被称为 公学 ,虽然这个术语传统上在苏格兰用于公立学校。 该校由威廉·费蒂斯爵士创立于1870年,在1970年开始接纳女孩。 它遵循 英格兰教育 制度而不是苏格兰教育制度,有九座宿舍。 主楼由大卫·布莱斯设计。 历史.

  6. Contact Information. Fettes College is a leading independent school in the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland. Fettes is a co-educational boarding and day school offering GCSE, A Level and the International Baccalaureate curricula. Excellent academic results, sector leading pastoral care. Wealth of co-curricular opportunities.

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