雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Career Opportunities劇情. 《Career Opportunities》Josie, the daughter of the town's wealthiest businessman, faces problems at home and wishes to leave town but is disoriented. Her decision is finalized after she falls asleep in a Target dressing room.

    • (55)
    • Bryan Gordon
  2. Josie, the daughter of the town's wealthiest businessman, faces problems at home and wishes to leave home, but is disorientated. Her decision is finalized after she falls asleep in a Target dressing room, and awakes to find that she is locked in the store overnight with the janitor, Jim, the town "no hoper" and liar.

    • (26)
    • 布賴恩 戈登 (Bryan Gordon),Bryan Gordon
  3. 隨著科技的發展,人類發明了能偵察人的腦電波的“聰明”的機器人――“先知”。. “先知”能偵察出人的犯罪企圖,所以在罪犯犯罪之前,就已經被犯罪預防組織的警察逮捕並獲刑。. 喬恩(湯姆•克魯斯 Tom Cruise 飾)就是犯罪預防組織的一個主管。. 在一次 ...

  4. 80名平凡上班族,某天被困在平日上班的摩天大樓裡,廣播系統突然傳來不知名人士的聲音,恭喜他們獲選參加一場社會實驗,在接下來的時間裡,80個人必須用手邊可得的物品當作武器互相殘殺,沒有時限直到遊戲最後,只有1個人可以活著離開大樓…80人殺到剩1人! 史上最殘忍人性試驗《厲陰宅》《安娜貝爾》《分裂》製作團隊挑戰暗黑極限暴力新作辦公室變成人間煉獄! 製作過《厲陰宅》、《安娜貝爾》、《國定殺戮日》、《分裂》等經典的製作團隊再出奇招,將平凡無趣冷冰冰的上班辦公商辦大樓,一秒演變成互相殺戮的血腥屠宰場。

  5. SHAMELESS tells the story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humour - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won't admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona (Anne-Marie Duff'), the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds ...

  6. 年輕的美國導演摩根史柏路克大膽地以自己的身體做實驗。 連續30天,三餐只吃麥當勞所賣的食物。 只靠麥當勞能維持人體基本機能運作嗎? 身材會變成什麼樣子? 這部紀錄片將爲你揭曉答案! 「Super Size Me」今年初在「日舞影展」上一鳴驚人,且獲得最佳導演 (紀錄片類)大獎,並吸引不少戲院爭取放映。 關於本片: 美國人爲什麼這麼胖? 根據調查,大約有37%的兒童及少年體內脂肪含量過高,而大約每三個成人中就有兩個人屬於超重或者肥胖,這究竟是人們缺乏自制力的表現,還是速食公司的錯誤呢? 導演摩根史柏路克在影片中採訪美國20個大城市裏的各行各業,包括全美最肥胖的城市-休士頓。 從外科醫生到健身教練,學校廚師到立法者,被採訪者們與觀衆分享了他們對美國人日益增長的腰圍的研究、見解以及複雜的感情。

  7. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, Inside Job traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics ...